Pandy said it, so I'll say it too, I'm single. Not that I enjoy announcing it, but I don't need another 'so how are you and your boyfriend?' Truth is, I don't have one. That does not mean I'm looking for another. I like just going solo, and I think I'll want that for a while. I've dealt with too much strain to just want to dive into another relationship. I'm tired of things I can avoid dealing with I guess. We'll just leave it at that.
On another note I'm still busy with things around the house. I've began to gradually fill up another sketchbook. Trying to force myself to do 2 sketches a night so I'm prepared and ready for the next con. Overall I've been able to keep up, but the past few nights I've been busy with some things, including being my mom's slave and hanging out with Rachel, Steph and Amber which I haven't done in forever.
Not yesterday, but the day before I get call from Rachel. "OMG YOU NEED TO COME OVER EVERYBODY WANTS TO SEE YOU AND I'M GETTING STUFF FOR SMORES AND BEER AND LOLOLLLFJDKLSFJDLJSFD" Hm. A bonfire, you say? MOM I'M GOING OUT. -Flies upstairs to get dressed-
Amber was cool enough to pick me up on her way back from the mall. The second we got back she mixed a few 'Shamrock' drinks. I may or may not have done some taste testing, but be reassured, I was perfectly fine with being completely sober and watching a slightly buzzed Rachel and Amber dance to Robin Hood Men In Tights. I look over to Steph and she just facepalmed.
Tony was around but not for long, he had another party to go to. Which is a good thing, considering the second he got home and I was there, he went and took his shirt off to flaunt how thin he is and try to start the fire with a flare (LOLDUMB). He's so charming....NOT REALLY AND HE'LL NEVER GET INTO MY PANTS. NEVERRRRR! -Hisses and hides under a rock-
A few other people swung by and we all had a pretty good time. I crashed on the floor while talking to Steph about ghosts and creepy things. >_>; I need to stop discussing those things when it's pitch black every which way.
Steph also agreed to cut my hair sometime this coming week. She graduated from some school for it, and she's cut EVERYBODY'S hair but mine hehe. She wanted to add the crazy colors I like, but due to Walmart (grumble) I'll have to put it off. But it will be a darker brown, and it will be short. SHORT. Don't know exactly what I'm doing with it yet, but it needs to be shorter. I'm tired as hell of this long ass hair.
Rachel also dealt with a lot of drama with Joei. Who texted me wanting to go clubbing, just the two of us. Yeah, right. I think she's just trying to be buddy buddy with me again so I don't take Rachel's side on anything, which she has done before. Why would I bother associating with people who lie to me, manipulate me, and talk smack on me when I've got plenty more people in my life who are there for me when I need them? 8D Yeah, didn't sound right to me either.
She's just one of those people who live in a fantasy world, as she does nothing wrong and everything is always everybody else's fault. There are a few people like this that I talk to, and to be honest I'm tired of it. If you lose something, it's your fault. If you break a promise or do the wrong thing, it's your fault. If somebody is mad at you for something you did or said, it's your fault. If you lie, it's your fault. All in all, people need to start taking responsibility for their own actions. It's part of the reason I don't think people change because 9/10 times it's all an illusion and nothing ever really changes. It's part of the reason I'm much less forgiving than I used to be. And it's part of the reason I've been watching who I confide in lately.
But hell, who cares? I should be swinging around Pittsburgh again sometime this week. Getting out of the house really helps take my mind off of these things. I look forward to going on another few hour long walk with my friends in the middle of the night, looking over the city and hanging out at the point. It relaxes me.
Plus, Will and I need to have another DRAWING SESSION. I would like to hang out with Scathe too soon, as he's a blast to draw with. I miss Joran and Jinu and Will and Scathe and Joel and OHGOD I WANT TO VISIT NAOOO!
But first things first. Finish mom's projects, work more on commissions, and feel better. Yeah I feel kinda sick. Everybody send me e-chicken soup! Walmart orientation is FINALLY scheduled for Wednesday. I'm nervous, so everybody wish me luck! Speaking of Walmart, they don't allow facial piercings, nor do they allow piercing retainers. My labret closes after 4 hours, so I don't know what I'm going to do. Was thinking of getting a slightly shorter post of a retainer, and wearing it backwards so nobody can see I'm wearing one but my piercing stays open.
That's the end of this ridiculously long journal having to do with very little. So I'll catch you all later! See ya! <333