Apr 12, 2010 14:54
Foolishly, while writing at Muddy Waters, I had two cups of coffee last night. That kept me up to all hours, and I do mean all.
First I took advantage of the insomnia to put together a crockpot dish -- my first attempt at such. After that, I mulled around the internet, randomly contacting some people. Then I called up a friend who I remembered is a wicked night owl.
I lay in bed for a time after that, until I got a creeping sensation about work. That's when I discovered I didn't actually send the schedule out Friday afternoon like I thought, just saved a draft. So I shot that out and then realized that one of the students simply wasn't going to discover he was expected to show up to work in three hours.
This shortened my window of sleep time drastically. From there on, I tossed and turned a fair bit. I think I got about an hour of fitful sleep between 4:00 and 5:00.
Once 5:00 rolled around, I gave up and got ready to haul up the hill. And that's where I discovered there was not, in fact, an event to set up, as it was taking place tomorrow, on Tuesday.
I shuffled through the rest of my time, only faintly consoled by the notion of leaving early. I forgot an appointment, I got really stressed out over the thought of leaving the students unsupervised and my Granny Smith apple made me queasy.
This was an unpleasant cap to some other stressors that came up over the course of the weekend. I'm not at all a fan of overtiredness. While it's an interesting sensation and it's refreshing to experience now and again for comparison against sleeping well, I don't recommend it as a standard mode of being.