
Jun 10, 2008 14:13

I cannot believe I've not posted anything since January. GAWD, I'm so ashamed.

Ok, Amanda by the months:

Had an amazing Valentine's Day with Paul.
Mah Berfday. (23 now)
Leap Day.

St. Patrick's Day.
Paul starts his job at Cisco and is working for, I believe, Hank Scorpio.
Erika and Matt move to Seattle. :-(

Played Rockband ( Turns out I can karaoke the HELL out of "My Sharona"; Boston songs are hard.)
Paul's brother got married in Johnson City. That was a fun weekend.
Got around to that advising thing; registered for actual, factual classes.
Moved Paul into a new apartment.

TERRIBLE flair up of my eczema; I couldn't bend my hand for a week.
My cousin Ashley's wedding.
Asked by Erika to be a bridesmaid at her wedding in October!!! (obviously, I said yes).

June (so far):
STILL haven't been swimming yet. :-(
Paul is in San Jose for two weeks on business. Also, everyone leaves for Bonaroo Thursday. (Allll by my seeeeeelllllffff)

So there is a rough outline of what has been going on with me. I'll post more later, I PROMISE!!!

/pinky swear
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