What's New

Jan 23, 2008 23:24

I've decided it's time for me to put up a less depressing entry and pretty much let you all know what's going on with me as of late.

First of all, I'm officially a student again! I got a bright shiny new letter in the mail saying my application to UT went through and I'm in good standing with the university. Huzzah and Hooray! Basically I was out for so long I had to re-apply, but that was no big deal. So, I just have to wait until time to register for Summer. Get this: I have 17 credit hours left. Crazy, huh?! Basically I'm going to take what I can in the Summer, the rest in the fall, and get all graduated in December! In fact, I should be going to campus tomorrow to submit my application for graduation in December.

I shall be going with Paul who will be getting his own stuff in order with the Graduate Student office so he can start his learning journey in the fall (Go Go Math Ph.D.). Basically, he's like a calculator I can make out with. A sexy sexy TI-89, if you will.

I guess 'til then I'm bumming around for a few months. Hopefully I'll try to save up some cash for books and parking and junk like that, but I'm sort of notoriously bad about long term saving. Stuff always seems to come up. Like, for example, my tires. My right rear tire was flat the other day. I can only assume it caught it from Trina. We hung out some a week or so ago and she ended up on John Sevier Highway with a flat tire. She got it fixed and was good to go. But yeah, my tires are pretty much kaputz. I figure my tax return will go toward that.

Oh man, how boring am I? I spent a paragraph talking about tires. LAME!!!

Well, I think this is it for me for now. I'll try not to wait another month for an update.
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