3.6 miles doesn't seem like a long way away from Neyland Stadium, but try walking it sometime.

Oct 08, 2007 01:21


I went to a football game Saturday.

It was pretty exciting until the 4th quarter. Our football squadron bested Georgia in match with a score of 35-14.

Actually, the football game was pretty much an excuse for meeting Paul's older brother T.J. and his best friend since Kindergarten, Greg.

I was obviously a bit nervous at first but by the end of the evening I think they'd warmed up to me. Actually, Greg came right out and said something like, "yeah, I just wanted to make sure Paul's girl was awesome, and I approve." So that's pretty cool.

Fun fact: Paul and T.J. looked extremely similar, enough to where if they had similar hair, they'd look like twins. Paul has wavy, shoulder-length light brown hair. T.J. has long, straight, very blond hair. It reminds me of Kurt's hair before he had it cut.

That reminds me, when I see my friend's younger brother in a liquor store and know that yes, he's technically allowed to be there, I feel old.

And while Pumpkin Spice Liquer sounds appealing, it was just too...heavy, I guess you'd call it, to drink. Very BAM with flavor.

Mom is back to work on very, very light duty. Pretty much just paperwork and meetings.
I'm going to enjoy these next few days before I really hunker down and get a jerb, damn it. I also need to start thinking about next semester and figuring out what to take and how many classes and what have you. I just want my degree at this point.

But, for now, I need sleep.
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