Jun 20, 2010 10:56
Argh. So. Much. Going. On. In. My. Life.
Not enough time to write in Livejournal.
So I woke up yesterday to my left wrist completely swollen and severe pain when I tried to move it. 20 mg of oxycosomething later and it felt better. Still tender, but at least I could use it. I also threw up at least 6 times yesterday. I would just be going about my business, then OMGIHAVETOPUKE, puke, then feel fine. I DON'T GET IT.
This morning I woke up with considerable leftover pain in my left wrist, but not as bad, and the swelling has gone down. Now the extreme pain has located itself in my left hip, which also pops at the slightest movement. I am SO sick of being sick. I don't want to be an old lady anymore! I want to be young and go celebrate my 21st birthday without worrying if I'll even be able to walk...
Speaking of my 21st... it's only 6 days away!!! Holy shit! It seems like just yesterday I was saying "only 54 days away!!!" lol. I'm getting old. It's all downhill from here, they say.
At work, I have not been as pleased with the place as in the past. We are getting ready to move to a new warehouse next weekend and everyone is stressing about it. We've also lost about 7 of our long-term employees in the last 6 months. 4 of them were very close friends of mine, and it's been fucking hard to see them go. Especially with bitches like Ashley and Denise still hanging around. They did hire Collin's rooommate, Matt AKA Der, which is way cool. I worry that Der is gonna get sick of me, though, because I spend a lot of time at Collin's. It's like, wake up: I'm there, go to work: I'm there, come home: I'm there, repeat. Collin's not sick of me, though, which makes me so happy.
So I guess I'll take this opportunity to gush about my boy. :) He's so sweet. He loves spending time with me and I love being with him. We work and practically live together but we barely fight. When we do it's about stupid shit and it's resolved within minutes. (Usually by looking it up on the internet to prove who is right- which is usually me.) We have such similar ways of thinking and doing things that we are just constantly happy to be in each other's company, because we want the same things 90% of the time. Like me and Sarah. :) The funny thing about that is that almost every guy I date has similarities with Sarah. If I wasn't such a fan of hetero sex, I'd just make life easier and propose to her. ;)
Transition to the best friend situation: we're gonna get an apartment together again! I couldn't be happier about it. I don't mind living on my own, but having her there will just be like an added bonus. Plus, it will practically double my wardrobe. :P Also, my neighbors are all grumpy old people or creepy old people and I'm sick of them. One of them put up a sign on the door; "NO SMOKING ON STOOP!!!!!" I wanted to write, "THANKS FOR THE SUPER-FRIENDLY REMINDER!!!!!" Whatever. Sarah and I just have to focus on not getting kicked out of our next apartment. Which should be easy given the lack of psychotic roommates. I mean, you know, other than each other. haha.
I feel like my grammar in this post is sub-par. I'll be registering to go back to school in the Spring. Collin, being the responsible student that he is, is going to help motivate me to get my work done, so that maybe this time it won't feel like such a waste of time and money. I'll be going for my bachelor's in English, with an emphasis on creative writing, and a secondary education licensure. From there, if I feel like being a high school English teacher, I'll do that. If I still feel like being a librarian, I'll go for my Masters in Library Science. And, if the opportunity presents itself, I'm gonna write books. :) I already came up with a hilarious idea for one when I was supa-high the other day. lol.
So my dad recently revealed to pretty much my whole family that I might have lupus because he was drunk. It was really scary and kicked up my anxiety about 500 notches. But it turns out that I have a lot of support. My Great Aunt Kathy took me out to dinner at Anthony's Pizza the other night, and gave me some info on the subject. She has a different kind of lupus that only affects the skin, but her sister Joanne died from systemic lupus (the kind that my mom and my mom's mom both have) back in the 70's. My grandpa also gave me some pamphlets he got from lupusfoundationcolorado.org and from the look of things, I am currently having nearly all the common symptoms of a flare. I'm working at trying to get some sort of coverage to finally get this shit figured out.
Ok, Harry Potter time. Oh Harry... His adventures have always been my escape. Always. I've gotten through so much shit by reading those books. They really do let me escape to a completely different place like no other book has done. So, in this stressful time, I've taken to re-reading the series again. Well, I did skip the first book, because I've read it at least 15 times. I've lost count. I also keep skipping the first few chapters involving the Dursley's because, well, Muggles are boring. lol. I don't think I'll ever regret my Harry Potter tattoo.
Finally, for my 21st birthday present, Jerelyn is getting me a tattoo. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why it's taken me this long to get a Labyrinth tattoo... Anyway, it's going to be a quote from the movie that says "My will is as strong as yours and my kingdom is as great. You have no power over me." I think it's fitting that I will be turning 21 (so, really officially an adult) and that I'm making Jerelyn get it for me. Yes. It's perfect.
Alright, I think that's it for my rant today. Thanks for reading if you made it this far! :)