Apr 13, 2005 19:51
Yay grad school
My biggest qualm with panel data has been choosing the technique. From Wooldridge et others, there is not much going to it, yet most of the professors here romanticize the process. One of my profs got into a tete a tete last period. We were sharing viewpoints and he was speaking theoretically and I was pulling the mathematical card. We did the back and forth for like an hour...everyone else just watching on, at least I was taking up class time. It was one of the best class periods I have ever had. Most times, profs cut off questions due to time constraints. I want a class that doesn't have a set syllabus. There could be a suggested lineup of topics, but as the sirens of methodology and muses of creativity beckon us off the beaten path, then we should be able to take this journey. Yeah, hacking away at the panel data paper still, hoping to get something that is not all wrong.
With a RA project, trying to use MLE on a system of correlated equations, the path feels like an iterative process in itself. Take a step...AAAAHHHHHHH, step back, step back. Whew...ok lets try this location....everything seems better...whew. Another step...AAAAHHHHHHHH, retreat!!!! I feel like I am in the CUBE (from the trilogy...friggin yeah, I didn't know there was a third until I saw it with another nerdy math friend.) MLE is kind of like being a human land mind tester. NON...DIFF...ERENT....IABLE...AAAAAAHHHHH!!!
In the class with the panel treatment, the prof made a mistake with his notes. He stopped thing for a bit and started doing little calculations on the board to make sure that the results didn't change too much. He said, "Don't look at me [while I work through this]". At such point a camera was pulled out of a bag and his picture was taken. He nearly died laughing...or at least trying to suppress it...at least that is what I hope the red face was for and he just continued as normal. What a great class. Inspires me to be a rogue professor...but another four years of this stuff...I don't know. I would like it because I think I learned more about what I do not know than what I actually learned, and it would give me a chance to really get into this panel data thing and not have this whole year as a waste of time.
I did some sketching while doing laundry...something fun for the anonymous poster if they are still perusing through my entries...and it was interesting. It was the lower half of a girl in a dress pulling a little wagon with a stuffed bear hanging over the side, seemingly enjoying the ride. She was standing still, as is from walking, but with legs together, like coming across something. For some reason, I wanted to draw a dead body on the ground, with blood pooling around it. Perhaps a man in a suit, face down, lifeless as most suckers in suits. I do not know why I wanted to draw this. Could it be that it was my youth coming across the death of my maturity, coming up to it, not shocked but rather innocently uninterested. Perhaps the girl will roll past the body; the bear may even give a nod as the wagon bobbles over the pavement. On goes my youthful traveler, wheeling her wagon on by as Sissy Hankshaw would hitchhike on by. There was life, just blocking the travels of the uncorrupted.
Perhaps I just saw a similar picture somewhere else and in my lack of originality, I tried to mock the motions by not "remembering" where this image came from. I am creative in problem solving and cunning with my double-edged sword of pun, but when it comes to art, music, or even decorating, I have not been fallen into my own. I have tried the clarinet, guitar, drawing, painting, writing, and many other forms of expression with which I have not had any formal training hoping to create something from nothing. A form or mannerism that can grow from my own soul. If there is something I like, I try it in combinations and even permutations with other techniques trying to create something of my very own. I sometimes play my guitar on my front porch late at night, strumming different patterns of the 16 chords I know ( some I just know they are chords and not their formal name...like Phoebe) and hope that some pattern will come and from some pattern some words will simply fall. Sometimes I just stare at paneling and find pictures within the swirls, but these images never remain very long...I can stare at it but I seem to lose the image I see. It is like the pattern is living and the swirling is so slow that it is unnoticeable to the human eye...much like the movements of objects such as a can of beans, silver spoon, and dirty sock. Perhaps neighbor Carl is wiser then he lets on with the noticing of the movements of a virtual unhappy meal. My sketches are usually only of objects that I have seen or am looking at. Original pieces are beyond the information passed between my synapses at the moment. I wanted to create a sort of "midnight society" on campus. Several artists painting, sketching, playing music, and reading poems all by the light of the moon. Perhaps I will only end up being a patron of the arts. Those who can do, those who can't either get over it or live vicariously. Perhaps i will be a funder of some Parisian street painter, and fall in love with her (the idea and not person). Although, perhaps I like math because one is kind of creative when doing proofs. Sure, you usually know where you are going and you have some of the tools down, but coming up with one on your own, piecing bits of logic together has its own artistic flair.
Or perhaps my desire to add that bit of atrocious adjective came from merely reading too many of a certain Twilek's postings. She is so well versed and shows what can come from not having to worry too much about the future. She has some awesome therapist session dialogs. She is a true Goth,...most of you others have just been Goth_served by her mere existence.
Either way, I didn't, at least not yet. For some reason it feels like it is also missing a red balloon, perhaps a mega-deuce will appear in the background in just the right light. Do you think that they come standard with GPS units, I mean at that size, you can see everything at a distance, but nothing of what you may be stepping on.
Yay, more geography jargon. It feels that I have the greatest chance in getting a job with the subject I know the least about. Intro Geog, Intro Geol, and 2 GIS courses...not much, but with the math and econ background, unstoppable. I have this desire to lean towards spatial analysis, and possibly doing spatial panel data analysis. How crazy would that be...3-way fixed effects models. Getting excited, what a nerd. Still reading this...you must be a bigger nerd or actually someone with even less to do than me...you don't come to work or shop, just walk around all day like you own the place. Snoogans
detritus \dih-TRY-tuhs\, noun;
plural detritus:
1. Loose material that is worn away from rocks.
2. Hence, any fragments separated from the body to which they belonged; any product of disintegration; debris.
Well, perhaps it is time that I end this posting. I will sift through the detritus around Bokonon, and find something to help me taunt G-d (not Jewish, but interesting concept, can't write the sound of his ENGLISH name but can replace a letter with a symbol, which if generally understood becomes another name for the same thing, and hence breaks the initial rule with which they are trying to avoid, kinda like no cheeseburgers, but chicken-omelets are fine, oh well, I friggin love matzo ball soup...especially with rice noodles and oyster sauce...a regular pho-pas I reckon) for the rest of time to make up for all of his tauntings.