So my programming courses, things like operating systems and real time concurrent programming i.e. shit that is really important to my career, I just decimated. No joke, I beat those courses into a submission, I had the fucking T.A.s asking me programming tips, I got professors who are asking me to help them set up for the next time they run the course, because the way I did my project was Just. Better.
This is not really a brag post however. You see, I am quite 1 dimensional. You get me out of my comfort zone and I am a poo flinging monkey pissed off that I am out of blueberries. Take for example, my Software Management course, we had to do accounting shit. What this means is that when I got to an accounting question on my final I drew a poo flinging monkey all pissed off that he was out of blueberries. Well no, I left them blank. The only reason I might pass the course was because I had to write a report on a programming management topic.. I just chose shit that I already knew and used my cab superpower of bullshitting to fill empty spaces.
Or my algorithms course. Yeah, that course I am passing because we would be given a theoretical problem and I would write code to solve it, then have the math geeks tell me what I did so I could write it down. This is how our assignment study groups would go. Everyone would wait on me to write the code that solved the problem, then a team of 4 would analyze it and give a synopsis that we would all copy down on our homework. At theoretical ... I sucked, at practical I whupped em.
So now I am done. I have no more technical classes left. I am doing my honours project over the summer along with two arts electives, Symbolic logic and Critical Thinking, both philosophy courses. They are basically a bunch of social science student scratching their heads in WTF?!?!? while I just write code that gives me an answer (in the symbolic logic anyways)
I am also drinking beer. Today was a milestone, it was my last exam in my last technical course. I have basket weaving courses left over for the next few months and I am done, but my last real achievement will be my honours project (which is, if I may be so bold, fkin awesome). It is not my free day but I do not care, I survived this semester working with the worst programmer known to man: I pulled near perfect marks off on our semester project and that motherfucker was so shitty that the prof is giving me a %150 value for the project.I haven't broken 100% in a course since this one: Yeah, that course I broke %100 in ... Hot Russians FTW.