(no subject)

Apr 20, 2006 22:37

I don't even know why I'm online, I should be studying for my EMT practical. anyway, I'm just kind of wasting time on the computer. I thought this would be kind of a cool thing to do:

10 things you may or may not know about me.

1. I'm superstitious. Yes, when I would score a goal, I would wear the same shirt under my pads (washed, of course, because it would just be gross if I didn't). And I don't like talking about exams I might have done well on.

2. I'm a closet pop fan. It may be a shock, but I enjoy some good NSYNC, backstreet boys, 98 degrees, and other 90's pop. It takes me back to the good ol' days.

3. I can't wait until I get through college. Even the thought of paying bills kind of excites me. I know a lot of you are freaking out because we're getting older, but I'm really excited to get out there. I just want to fast forward through this whole college crap.

4. I don't mind being alone. I actually prefer going to a movie alone, because then i don't have people talking to me the whole time(kenny) and I get to process it without anyone else's opinions.

5. I want to live in Boston. It's so great I cant even describe the feeling I get when I think about living there. But I would want to live there after I get some years under my belt.

6. I want to travel. I really want to work in San Francisco. I want to go to San Francisco to go to a Giants game (an interleague game, perhaps?). I want to travel to Barcelona, England, France, Italy, Ireland, Australia(did you know that Australia has the most poisonous creatures in the world?), the Caribbean, some exotic island where its just me and my thoughts and perhaps one other person, somewhere in South America, Germany, Greece, Montreal, Canada. Also, I'm thinking of going to a third world country to help out with the healthcare system. But maybe not. I don't know how I'll be able to handle it.

7. I sometimes think about what my biological parents are doing at a certain point in time. I have another sister and brother, apparently.

8. Even though I'm happily single and have no time for a relationship, there are times when I really wish I had someone to just hug. And not a platonic hug, not that those aren't good too.

9. I think I'm borderline OCD. I feel the need to wash my hands after eating anything. When I pass a wall or something, I feel the need to tap it with my index and middle fingers. Sometimes I cSometimes I get panic attacks before exams and I wonder if it will be the same when(if?) I'm seeing a patient or I'm going into a high pressure situation.
heck if I've got everything for the day so many times, I make myself late.

10. There are times when I doubt what I'm doing and what direction my life is going in, but then I think about helping just one person stay healthy or about saving a life and I almost get a second hand high from it (second hand because I'm not actually saving a life).

So, there it is, folks (haha, I said folks).
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