Survey Says....

Jul 18, 2005 01:20

1] What is your first and middle name? Kristen Mary
2] Why did your parents name you these names? I assume they liked the name and it was the name of the nurse at the hospital when I was born
3] Where is your birthmark at? don`t got one
4] Do you even know why you have one of these? ^^^
5] What are your measurements? my boobs are big that all you get to know....fucker
6] What is your one weird ability [C‘mon, everyone has one]: flexible like woah
7] Describe your “style” when it comes to what you wear: whatevr I want I just me like it or not
8] Do you eat something that everyone else thinks is gross? toast with mayo and lettuce

[Warm fuzzies]
9] Do you have a special someone? I don`t know what you would call it
10] What’s his or her name? Christopher
11] What does this person do for a living? He works at a medical building with Pat
12] How does this he/she make you feel? depends on the day he is like my best bud, my heart everything
13] Name, in months, how long you have been dating: off and on a year and a half
14] Was it love at first sight? I knew the moment that I met him that he would be the first perosn I would ever love
15] The ultimate greatest thing about him/her is: he taught me whatlove is
16] [A year passes.] Do you still see yourself happy with this person? yes
17] What do you guys do for fun? whatever
18] How long did it take you to say the “L” word to him/her? I told him first but he told me on Valentine`s Day
19] How many serious relationships have you had? this I would say is my first
20] Name one song that explains a past relationships: Wasting my Time by Default

[Getting an edumacation]
21] What school do you attend? None at the moment
22] How many students go there with you? none dumbass
23] What grade are you in? somewhere between freshman and sophmore in college
24] What do you like about going to school? I hate it but i know that I need to go to go somewhere with my life
25] Favorite class: none
26] What college/university are you going to afterward? no clue
27] Name a couple majors you are interested in: Either medical assisitant or medical billing
28] What degree are you aiming at earning? Isn`t that somewhat the same question that you just asked me?

[Living quarters]
29] Do you live at home with your parents? yea but I have a apartment with Chris too
28] Is your room big? Its huge and messy
29] What size is your bed? queen
30] What color are the walls? purple and lime green with purple pixixe dust goin around it .....I LOVE Tinkerbell
31] Do you have any animals in there?My favorites are my purple hippo Tubby and the lion I got chris
32] Are you in your bedroom most of the time? just to sleep

[Your cup of tea]
33] What is your all time favorite movie? tough either the little mermaid, the sweetest thing or the notebook
34] Why so? all just have good love story but the little mermaid is a childhood memory
35] Do you prefer Jay Leno or Conan O’Brien? leno
36] What are three things that you are obsessed with? sleeping, smoking and tinkerbell
37] What is your favorite CD at the moment?none really
38] What celebrity do you think is the cutest? Bam Margera,
39] What’s the last really good movie you have seen? Charlie and the chocolate Factory
40] When’s the last time you cried during a movie? The Notebook today

[Working your ass off]
41] Do you have a job? oh yeah
42] Where do you work at? The Great Baraboo
43] What do you do there? I`m a waitress
44] How long have you been working at this place? about two weeks
45] Do you see yourself working there for a while? Awhile

*Basic Information*
1)What is your full name? Kristen Mary Openshaw
2) When did you last shower? about 4 hours ago
3)What color pants are you wearing? White capri pj pants with ladybugs on them
4) What song are you listening to? just heard "Sexual Healing" by Marvin Gaye
5)What was the last thing you said? I know what you got me for my birthday
6) What is right next to you? My love buscuit bucky
7)What was the last thing you ate? pizza
8) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? Austrailia or Disney World
9)Have you ever smoked? yes I am right now
10) What did you do last night? hung out with bucky.....What i do all the time dur
11)How are you today? lazy
12) How do you eat your Oreos? I like double stuffed ones dipped in water
13)Who makes you happy? depends lots of stuff...Chris, coke slurpees,sleepin, vicodin....
14) Nicknames? Kris, blinks, Oda Mae, Spaniarita, Jigglypuff, beebo, bitch
15)Eye Color? brown but they turn green
16) Do you wear contacts? nope glasses occassionally like now
17)Siblings and their ages? Jamie - 27
18) What school do you go to? none
19)What do you want to do when you grow up? I wanna work in the medical field
20) What are your future goals? to have a good birthday .....tomorrow
21)What is your favorite type of music? alternative rock usually but I like it all
22) Fave Food? My mom`s Turkey, stuffing, mashed potates the whole Thanksgiving thing
23)Fave day of the year? whatever day but my birfday
24) Do you like to Dance? maybe if I was drunk
25)Are you too shy to ask someone out? doubt it
26) Favorite Name Brand? Bam
27)Do you sleep w/ any stuffed animals? yep...Tubby, Mousey and Larry
28) Fave Drink? Lemonade
29)Do you like happy or sad movies? depends on what mood i'm in
30) On the phone or in person? in person
31)Night or Day? Night
32) Summer or Winter? winter / fall actually
33)Lust or Love? love by far
34) Do you want people to write back? whatever floats their boat
35)Who is least likely to respond? I dunno
36) Who is most likely to respond? I dunno
37)What is the best gift you've ever received? The ring Chris got me
38) Birthday: 7/19/85
39)Hometown: Detroit, Michigan
40) What are your plans for today: dunno
41)What time is it? 2 am

*Called you: Jamie
*Saw you cry? my mom
*Made you cry: Chris
*Spent the night at your house: Chris, Bucky and Mojo Joe joe
*Yelled at you: my dad
*Sent you an e-mail: Jamie

*Made a milk mustache and showed someone: prolly the last time I had milk
*Said "I love you" and not meant it: long , long ass time ago ... I`d only say that if I meant it
*Gotten into a fight with your dog\cat\fish\etc: not my dog but play fighting with Sable and the kikster
*Went to New York City: never been
*Florida?: march
*California? walked into
*Hawaii? not yet
*Mexico? On a crusie we docked in Cozemel
*China? nope been there
*Dreamed? all the time

*Laughs the weirdest: Julia by far
*Will grow up and be a model: my ass
*Laughs the loudest: Julia
*Have you known the longest? Allison
*Knows you the best: Bucky
*Is the loudest: dunno
*Who's the quietest: At first maybe Bucky
*Who do you have the most classes with?:
*Will fill this out and send it back the soonest? no one I bet

*The last birthday party you went to: I don`t remember
*The last time you went out of the country? months ago to la canida
*Lucky #'s: 143,19
*What time is it now? 2 am didn`t you just ask that you moron
*What is the first thing you reached for this morning? my blanket to take downstairs
*When was the last time you felt like just wanting to tell someone something? a mintue ago
*Have you ever wondered what life would be like if your kneecaps were on the other side? Not recently
*Have you ever went skinny dipping? Yep
*Have you ever been south of Sweden?: Sorry no
*How would you describe a best friend? Someone who knows you inside and out, will not judge you for what you do even if the disagree with it but they support you and someone who is there no matter what.
*What, if anything, would you change about yourself? my tummy and I whiney/ bitchinedd
*Who is your role model? My cousin Renee
*If you could repeat one year in your life what year would it be? The year 2004
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