Aug 24, 2007 20:28
-Ok. So.
-I'm moving to West New York, New Jersey.
-To live.
-I'm gonna go work at the Best Buy in Secaucus, NJ. It's not that far though from where I'm going to live. It's like pretty much the same distance from where I live now to the Best Buy I worked at. Near South Miami.
-I'm planning on going to school at SAE for Sound Engineering. And make something of myself.
-Since I'm so close to Broadway and clubs and places that need sound. I figure you know, I could find a Job up there and hone my skills.
-Then, when I feel I've done all I can up there. I guess I'll move back. Or just come to visit and try my luck elsewhere.
-I pretty much don't wanna do what I've been doing for the last year and a half. Be a bum, and work and not go to school. I wanna be active and do what I've wanted to do since 7th grade. Be involved in Theatre. Or what I've wanted since 11th grade, and be a Sound Engineer. I could do both in one shot. So that's what excites me.
-I'm leaving like some of my graduating class and what some of the class behind me have. I feel like I'm behind, but I guess I'm doing it at my own pace. So I don't fuck up and fall flat on my ass and come home with my tail between my legs.
-This week has been pretty hard. I've said good-bye to a lot of people that have had a big impact on my life in the past year, and I haven't said good-bye to those who were a big impact on my life the past four. Saying good-bye at my job is hard, because that was like high school all over again. Pretty much seeing the same people everyday and making jokes and spreading rumors and just all around having fun and yelling across the store and following my store manager with a microphone narrating his life. I'm not gonna be able to do that at another store. My store had to have been pretty much the best Best Buy in the company. And sooo much fun to work at. And the best first job ever.
-Saying good-bye to Rey, Ozzie, Peter, Michelle, and Minnie was pretty hard too. Of course Rey in specific. He has been there for me for the past 5 years whenever I needed something and it was just weird thinking that he's not gonna be just a drive away anymore. A phone call yes. But not a drive. Ozzie too, in the last year he became one of my closest friends as well, helping me out through the Sarah Saga, and just in life overall. Peter and I became really close too, joking and just hanging outside of impromedy. Minnie and I grew close over the last year as well and it was a sad good-bye with her also.
-I've had a hard time saying good-bye to a lot of my friends. Considering there are so many people I want to see before I go. But I can't. My old friends, Tito, Tony, Enrique, Mike, Albert, Andres. I only saw 4 of them before I left. Tito hasn't talked to me since the band broke up and neither has Andres. But that's because when the band broke up I was so pissed I accidentally took my anger out on him and told him off. To my new/old friends Kc, Gabriel, Nick, Jon, Sammy, Tammy, Tammy, Lisi. You guys were a lot of fun these past few months. Thank you for being there to invite me to places and include in me your family. I honestly don't know what would have happened to me if you guys weren't there for me after Fawkes broke up. I'm really gonna miss all you.
-Today I'm supposed to or was supposed to go to Robby's Extreme Muffin party but I wanted to spend it with my family since I don't ever spend time with them. I might go later though. If time permits.
-If I didn't get to say bye to you, it's not 'cause I didn't want to. It's just I couldn't say good-bye to all 7697987757886587 of you guys. Which hurts me a lot more than it hurts you. Trust me.
-It's 9:10. My last day in Miami. I pretty much love you all. Everyone who knows me well enough knows that I'm a fucking pussy and cry for stupid shit. Like at the near end of all Full House episode where the music gets sad and Danny is talking to somebody about something. Yeah. I tear up. So what? I'm emotional. It means I have a heart. Or I'm a pussy. (I expect anonymous comments making fun of that.) But like right now. Sitting in my room. I'm thinking, and I'm tearing up. I've lived in Miami for 19 years and 6 months. Now, I'm moving to another city, another state. It's just so hard. I'm leaving behind close friends and family, and girls that I haven't told my true feelings for. lol. The past 7 months sucked for me. But there were people that got me through it. And I love you guys for that. I really am gonna miss you all. You know how I love just hanging out with people. We could be sitting in a room doing nothing. And inside I am having the time of my life. Just because I'm with people that I care about a lot.
-And I know I'm probably gonna come back to visit and I'm making a big deal about this. But that's me. Mr Make-A-Big-Deal-About-Everything-Until-It-All-Blows-Over-And-Everyone-Forgets. I just hate not being able to see people I want to see when I want to see them. I know I'm gonna wanna see certain people like everyday. But I won't. And that's just what I hate. So know guys. That you guys are my life. Those of you inside Troupe 6162 and the few that aren't.
- Life = Friends.
-And my parents hate me for that by the way.
-Ok. Before I continue being and puss and keep crying I'ma go.
-Last Post in Miami.
-Good-Bye Kids. It's been swell.
(Messages to certain people:)
-Don't get pregnant.
-Dump him.
-Give me my movie.
-I hate you now. You ruined me.
-Dump him.
-I've liked A LOT you since 11th grade.
-Thank you.
-Jesse Lacey would be proud.
-You mastermind, you fiend, you.
-Two and a heif.
-Jiggity Jay!
-It's funny, 'cause I've always looked up to you. And I'm super proud of you.
-Alberto Yong. Formerly of Miami 305.