Feb 14, 2004 03:38
Happy Valentine's day everyone!
as usual i OD-ed on another v-day and i look like a fool. but hell, i'm used to it anyways. i gotta say it's the best OD i've done yet. i'm impressed with myself. or maybe how stupid and pathetically sentimental i am. definate change from last year when i was bitter. guess i got bad short/long term memory about those things. forgot to be bitter again.
to a certain extent deep down i agree with people. valentine's day is a sucky holiday. i learned a long tim ago to be disappointed on it, and it seems like that's all that ever happens to the majority of people. boyfriends or girlfriends screw up and there's guilt and unease and it's all a big mess no one wants to deal with. and if you have feelings for osmeone it's now cliche and hackneyed to express them on that day, so what's the point? a lot of money spent. couples are rarely happy. single people just get their singledom rubbed in their face. and the economy peaks for a weak.
i'm disenchanted. despite bbs efforts. almost as much as i was excited for it.
maybe i should start looking at things more realistically. and not like i'm in elementary school or in a movie. but i dunno what that would do to my view of the world. wouldn't be a good change and i'm not sure if it's something i'm ready for!
oh big news! jeremy got into grad school. ucsd. so that's official. and now actaully dawning on me that it's next year. but. what's meant to be is meant to be so i'll cherish everymoment we got together (which would be a little under 75 days... not that anyone is counting...) and then. we'll go from there. not as frightened by it as i was before, more excited for him!!!!! can't wait to see where he gets into next!!!!!