This vacation was such a disapointment

Apr 03, 2005 15:26

I figured i should update once more b4 vacation is over

Thursday-Bored as hell cuz som fucker decided 2 have fun and let me fuckin rot in my room, gee thx gillman

Friday-Nothin special

Saturday-Brudvig came over, linz was sposed 2 but we kno how that is. Me and brudvig went into chat rooms and just were random said crap like jews thn left the room. Thn we got into a hour long insult fest w/ this guy nympho. I kicked his ass, it was awsm. Thn i stayed the nit at brudvigs, we got kenny over. We fucked around got each other in turbl and just had a good time. Did ding dong ditch, i didnt do it cuz i knew watd would happen, and it did. not good. Thn we snuck out 2 get som taco bell but the bitch wouldnt let us go thru the drive thru w/ out a car so we flipped her off i told her 2 go royaly fuck herself thn we headed 2 the gas station, got some food and headed back. We just joked aroyund 4 like an hour trying 2 go 2 sleep, we had a marker war, i didnt have a marker just a shelf ful of movies i thru those as my weapon, vry fun.

Sunday-Came home, parents bugged me. Left 4 a movie, so im sitin here alone w/ the music loud, i should b doin my history project but that requires work. Bad, vry bad. My plan 4 the day is 2 just stare at my ceiling and thnk wat im gona do about a certain situation.
SKEWL BAD! me no go 2moro

Comment or ill...............let brudvig rape u, he rle wants it look out.

1. name: Travis
2. single or taken: Single of coarse
3. sex: Yes plz, o wait. male sry
4. birthday: 11-17-89
6. siblings: I disowned her
7. hair color: Brownish
8. eye color: I cant look in my own eyes fool

9. shoe size: 11 i thnk
10. height: 5'5, 5'6 ish

r e l a t i o n s h i p s

1. who are your good friends?: They know who they is, i lazy 2 much typing
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Hmmmmmmmm jeez i wish

f a s h i o n s t u f f

1. where is your favorite place to shop: I dislike shopping
2. any tattoos or pearcings: Had a piercing, hopefully getting a tattoo soon

s p e c i f i c s

1. do you do drugs?: WEED!
ind of shampoo do you use?: Whatevers in the shower
3. what are you most scared of?: A male stalker raping me
5. who is the last person that called you?: Y would i remember that
6. where do you want to get married?: It wouldnt b up 2 me
7. how many buddies are online right now?: 30
8. change about yourself?: I could thnk of several but 2 much typing

f a v o r i t e s

1. color: Pink, its manly! actually any color worx 4 me
2. food: Chinese
3. boys names: Boy 1, boy 2, or boy 3
4. girls names: Girl 1, girl 2, or girl 3
5. subjects in school: Historys ez
6. animals: Monkeys
7. sports: Paintball, lacrosse, football, hockey

h a v e y o u e v e r

1. given anyone a bath?: Ummmmmmm, ya
2. smoked?: Once
3. bungee jumped?: Not yet
4. made yourself throw up?: Ya, i swallowed a lego, apparently that can rip up yur insides
5. skinny dipped?: Yep
6: ever been in love?: Wouldnt know
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: No, i cant do that
8. pictured your crush naked?: Ummmmmm na
9. actually seen your crush naked?: Nope
10. cried when someone died?: I dont kno ne1 close that died, i didnt wen the pope died so umm no i guess
11. lied: Me? lie. u must b crazy
12. fallen for your best friend?: No, thattd b gay.............o u mean best girl friend, um ya i spose
13. been rejected?: Ya
14. rejected someone?: Ya
15. used someone?: Yep
16. done something you regret?: Duh

c u r r e n t

clothes: Camo shorts, shirt
music: Blood in my eyes_Disturbed
make-up: The marker kenny put on my face
annoyance: Lots of things
smell: Fresh air
favorite group:? Lots of em
desktop picture: My chemical romance face
book youre reading: Don’t read
in cd player: Dunno
color of toenails: Regular

l a s t | p e r s o n

you touched: Brudvig
you hugged: Linz
you imed: Panda
that imed you: Toni
you yelled at: Brudvig
you kissed: Me, I had a boo boo

a r e | y o u

understanding: Mostly
open-minded: Sometimes
arrogant: I spose I could b
insecure: I dunno
interesting: Nope
random: Extremely
hungry: Na im good
smart: Hahahahahah o yur serious, um no
moody: When ppl ditch me yes
hard working: Na
organized: Ya
healthy: I guess
shy: Depends on the person
difficult: If I am pissed
attractive: Apparently not
bored easily: It depends, at times a pen can entertain me 4 an hour
messy: W/ friends
obsessed: Not sure


In the morning i am: Pissed, skewl bad
all i need is: Food and water
love is: Difficult
i dream about: Some weird stuff

o p p o s i t e s e x

what do you notice first: Depends wat sticks out about that person 2 me
last person you slow danced with: A broom stick…………….wat? I was bored
worst question to ask: Did u shit yourself or is that pudding in yur pants
who do you have a crush on: Wouldn’t u like 2 kno
who has a crush on you: Not who I want it 2 b

d o y o u e v e r

sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: Na I take charge and I/m ppl, im a man damnit! lol

wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: God no, I aint gay
wish you were younger: No

N u m b e r

of times i have had my heart broken: Well it still worx so 0
of hearts i have broken: I didn’t kill no1, so 0
of guys ive kissed: 0 and its gona stay that way
of girls ive kissed: French none, other way (whatever its called) a cupl
of continents i have lived: 2
of tight friends: Its changes all the time, ppl r gay
of cds i own: None, I downlaod
of scars on my body: I don’t feel like counting

F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s

1. do you like fillings these out?: When im bored
2. gold or silver: Silver
3. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: The pacifier, bad
7. favorite cartoon/anime?: Family guy
8. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: Eggs and toast
10. who would you love being locked in a room with right now?: Hmmmmmmmm
11. could you live without your computer?: Mayb
12. would you color your hair?: I hav b4
13. could you ever get off the computer?: I do alot
14. habla espanol?: Deine mutter
15. how many people are on your buddy list?: 196
16. drink alcohol? Alcohal is good

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