
Jul 27, 2012 13:09

Membership is: Moderated, but open!
Owned by saferwaters & co-ran by rockgirl182

To join:
- Your journal must be at least 6 months old, have entries, friends & something in your info
If you changed usernames; let us know!
- We also look for credit; no credit at all may get you denied.
- We like to be drama free; please leave all issues at the door.
- If you have a problem, we can talk things over.
- Our creations must stay on livejournal only please!

Community info
- We offer both weekly p2b requests & freebie requests.
- The only makers here are saferwaters & rockgirl182. Please don't fill any requests.

We hope you enjoy your stay! ♥

Most recent members cut: January 19, 2013

