Jun 16, 2008 20:35
The way to win your heart?
make me laugh, then keep me amused and guessing. and you've gotta have some luck too, hah.
When was the last time you really laughed?
this weekend
Do you twirl or scoop your spaghetti?
twirl i guess
Are you dating the last person you kissed?
the most action ive gotten today is a bite from zans. i think he mistook my finger for a carrot. its fine.
What are you like when you're drunk?
an exaggerated version of what i am sober
Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
milk is gross. soy milk, sure. im the only one drinking it.
Who knows a big secret about you?
probably ash. im sure grubes knows a few too.
How long is your hair?
also too long for my liking
Do you like Batman?
he is my favorite superhero.
Do you like anyone now?
When was the last time you sang out loud?
probably yesterday. maybe this morning, i cant remember.
What did you have for breakfast?
cocoa pebbles with vanilla soy milk. yumm.
Is your birthday on a holiday?
it is a holiday.
What instant messaging service do you use?
Can you cook?
when i try.
Did you have a nap today?
no, but i wanted to take one at work. we should totally have a napping lounge.
What was the reason you got in trouble last?
being retarded? i dont know. who gets into trouble?
What do you wear more, jeans or sweats?
jeans, but only for the reason that i lost my sweatpants in a drunken rage when i was in pittsburgh and they have yet to resurface...
When is your birthday?
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
dad. its a shirt from my uncle's old ammo shop in p'vlle.
Do you use an alarm clock?
the coffee maker wakes me up when it makes my coffee.
Where was your default My Space picture taken?
the brahouse in lincoln square
Whats the first thing you notice of the preferred sex?
overall style
Do you want someone you can't have?
nah, not seriously
What color is your favorite shoe?
apple green
Who would you like to see right now?
my best friends. all of them.
Are you a social or antisocial person?
depends on my mood.
Have the cops ever come to your house?
only for parties.
Do you have a tan?
not at all, but im not radient white anymore, thank god
Would you rather sleep with someone, or alone?
with someone i suppose, but im used to sleeping alone.
What school do you go to?
nada, sadly.
Ever had braces?
nope, thank god.
Are you afraid of the dark?
only if im somewhere creepy
Do you miss someone today?
What's your favorite song?
currently lucero's "kiss the bottle" has been getting the most played.
Who's your last text message from?
What's your favorite commercial at the moment?
the snickers commercial with the panda bear will always be my favorite. "pretty pretty dancing, pretty pretty dancing..." "you know what a panda eats for lunch? yea, they eat bamboo!"
Do you always wear your seat belt?
the bus and train dont have seat belts, so no.
Do you like bananas?
What do you wear to bed?
Who was the last person to disappoint you?
Do you trust people?
depends. usually.
What does your 5th text message in the inbox of your phone say?
you are totally drunk.
Is there someone you want to fight?
anyone associated with eshow. i hate your program.
Do you know what you want to do with your life?
specifically, no. generally, yes.
be with the ones i love. explore the world. move around some more before settling down. own something of my own someday. tour the tuscan wine country. learn italian. drink around the world at epcot. challenge myself. teach myself to not be afraid of commitment (which will be challenge enough). never stop reading. be a good bunny owner.
hey kiddos-
hanz found a bunny while wasted last weekend and gave him to me. so i have a buddy now. his name is zansibar. im madly in love. hes currently crawling all over me. anywhoo, hes crazy and makes me happy.
hanz came to visit this weekend and it was one of the best weekends ive had lately. ive been in a funk lately and i think im finally out of it. we explored lincoln square, ate at hot dougs, walked everywhere, played with zans and just hung out. it ruled. also, i really like the gingerman bar we went to friday. yea for non-fratty bars in wrigleyville!
this weekend im heading to pittsburgh with jess and shoe to visit my love ashlyn. two of my most favoritest people in two weeks! i couldnt be happier or more excited. this trend of taking fridays off is also rocking my world. im sure we wont do much this weekend, and it will be amazing. also, i hope to keep track of my pants. and i would love to see mike's gorgeous face.
besides that, not too much is new. i finally finished the book "eat, pray, love." it was decent. i liked the first section, and that was about it. mostly because i want to learn italian and return to italy one day. now i've moved on to "kitchen confidential" by anthony bourdain (thanks to dahlgren). its much more my style and i'm thoroughly enjoying it. random tip: never order fish on monday. also, unfortunately my grade school won't be opening next fall (after almost 150 years) and mom's out of a job, but she did manage to nab me a bunch of greats from the library. go mom! yea summer reading!
i think thats about it to report for now. summer vacation with kent in boston and nyc is quickly approaching and im super pumped.
take care cuties. love you.