University towns are annoying

May 01, 2011 18:44

Queer? Feminist?  Not a part of the university?  Well tough luck.  You will not have an opportunity to be a part of the community.  If you do manage to break your way in to a group, you will undoubtedly be faced with a bunch of 19 year olds with little to no grasp of theory or history.  There is no such thing as a group of young professional feminists meeting at a coffee shop, or adult queers having a forum.  I feel completely shut away from "my people" the further away I get from graduation.  I went to a feminist book club meeting (on campus, which I found out about from a student), and even though not everybody there was a student, I was just incredibly turned off by the amount of 101 that had to happen.  I miss undergrad, where I could go to my OW and Q&A meetings and actually feel like part of the group.

If there are groups out there, I don't know how to crack them. 
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