(no subject)

May 08, 2005 21:16

Well today was mother's day obviously so I came home early from Justine's to hang out with mi madre. We all ate breakfast and then we went to visit my grandma. We bought her this windchime thing because those are her favorite and it had all these gardening tool things hanging from it and it was really cute and she loved it =] I got my mom these really cute sandels that she wanted from the Gap. My brother had a baseball game at 3 but I stayed home to do my homework while my family went. I'm so exhausted. Justine had an after prom party last night and let's just say i'm paying for it today. I love how I didn't even go to the Wachusett prom but I went to the party afterwards. She had it at her uncle's house in the woods in Holden, it was a pretty fun time. Saturday morning I had to wake up at 6:30 because my cousin was making her first communion and I had to be at the church for 9. All the cool kids took the SAT'S that morning..not me. I went to sign up for Wachusett and they told me it was full and Worcester Academy was full and I would have to take them in Shrewsbury but I wasn't feelin that so I'm taking them in June. I should probably take the ACTS  too. Oh man so much to do, so little time. I can't believe it's already time to start doing all this college shit. That's actually so scary. But I'm sick of high school I can't wait till college, I need to get the hell out of here, especially Rutland. So the Holy Name Jr prom is next weekend and I'm going with Jeff. I'm so excited. I can't wait to see everyone and just have fun. I've been looking forward to prom since I was like five. I'm in love with my dress and I don't care if no one likes it, I think it's pefect. So suck on that. I really don't wanna go to school tomorrow. I live for the weekends. Oh well schools almost out and it's summer..finally. We get out the 17th woot woot.

6 more days till prom!

19 more days till the roadtrip with the girls!

29 school days left!

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