Mile High City

Aug 20, 2006 18:34

I LOVE DENVER!!!!!!!!!! and will hopefully convince James to move there with me! I left Monday at 11:30 am and came back Friday. It was a blast! I saw both my old houses and schools, and talked to three of my old friends, two of who I was close with. We went to Six Flags Elitch Gardens, The Denver Museum of Nature and Science, The Botanic Gardens, The Denver Mint (kinda), downtown, the Cherry Creek Mall, The Denver Art Museum, and CASA BONITA!!!!!!!!! They also have the BEST PIZZA PLACE ever, Beau Jo's Mountain Pies. We ate there twice. I miss you Colorado!

Casa Bonita is a mexican food place that has about four levels of entertainment, including an arcade, cliff divers, a walk thru cave in which a little boy scared me in, magicians, a mariachti (sp?) band, and a lot more. If you are a true South Park fan and have seen the Casa Bonita episode, the you know where I went.

James and I in front of the fountain

The cave eating area (this place can hold like 400 people)

Me at Casa Bonita

We went to Six Flags on Tuesday. Here's me playing Plinko.

I <3 Sylvester. And James!

Then we went to Cherry Creek Mall and Build-a-Bear. His name is Smokey.

Denver Nature and Science Musuem. If you ever go there... Tell them you're a student!
Owl Butterfly


Me and a Grizzly; they had every animal imaginable stuffed and in a wildlife scene.

Pre-Historic Turtle

Me and my dino dudes

Mineral caverns

Denver Art Museum- Wood Horse

Denver Botanic Gardens
Rainforest Cloud Tree

Myself at the Gardens

Down Town Squirrel- I have this ability to call them to me. Awesome.

Myself, Briana, and Nicole, my two best friends from the 4th grade. We spent five hours catching up (sorry James...)

The Airplane Ride Home

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