Congrats to Yunho and the rest of the casts for the airing of first episode of HTTG - I really thought he did a good job on expressing his character so far ^^b I love and enjoy watching Bongkun's facial expressions so much ♥ Maybe he took lessons from chun!face 8Db Also all his big actions!
kyaaa I shall stop for now...need to go to sleep after reading some fics!
I must admit though if it's not because of Yunho I wouldn't have watched this drama because in a way the beginning plot and story line are just uninteresting for me -.-; Maybe I will change my mind after watching more of this. I think I fangirl more on Yoonji whenever the screen showed her LOL! Ara was ok too - I have yet to find her annoying, which is good. Oh well maybe I am in good mood so everything seems great and enjoyable.