Definitely one of the best concert I've attended so far ^^b All the endless dramas O___o Official Concert goodies sold out!
But I shall spazz first with this post ;)
>> Heenim x Siwon
>> Suju H made me so pajama!happy
>> Hips thrusts are made of Suju!
>> Heenim as Bi LMAO!
At the rate that I'm spazzing on Suju, you prob think I forgot abt DongBang but I'm too incoherent to spazz on them. I'm a bit worried on yunjae & chun!face....basically everybody else who looked so tired though happy to be performing esp. Prince Shim ^^"
Yunho got caked as agreed by all and I wonhae,bajeo,mitcheo to jumon like mad xD Min gave us wet chun!face who was in pink undies >.<
Also Minho!Minho!Minho! 8Db
Dats all- need rest nao~
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