[Random]YooSu! Spotted! ;)

Feb 28, 2008 11:01

Was waiting for KBS Happy Together tonight and got bored so I watched GOE;SS subbed for the DongBang boys' comments during the PREMIUM Mini Live and started capping these ^^

Title: PDAs: JaeHo VS YooSu; Verdict: YooSu Wins XD 
Pairings: JaeHo + YooSu 
Featuring: ChangMin as well ;)

Credit: GOE;SS for the vid for me to cap (I was lazy to take my DVD out to watch since no sub O_o)

Okie I gave up coz I have no idea how to make this pic bigger in terms of size O_o My original is very big!

The cracks: 
~ Love... 
JunSu: The lyrics are good

~ jealous PDA! *fumes* JaeHo rules! 
JaeJoong: What're you taking about? It's English

~ akward 
JunSu: ....Er..it's about love...

~ silence 
JaeJoong: Told ya JaeHo rules! *snickers*

JunSu: My Chun..er..Girlfriend! XD 
ChangMin: *ehem* Let's move on...

JunSu: *ignored* T_T 
YooChun: What about JaeJoong? 
YunHo: Jae....<3 
ChangMin: .........

JaeJoong: My song is a song where you can feel manliness 
YunHo: eh? But I am the man here, Jae! 
ChangMin: ......... 
YooChun: *worry* Su, ok? 
JunSu: *fumes* not talking to you!

JunSu: Just so you know, am hurt so no butt 4 u 2nite! >_< 
YooChun: ...............

YooChun: Su, you kidding, rite? *gulp* YunHo: Hmm..manliness

JunSu: Take ur hands off me! *grits* YooChun: *nervous smile* 
ChangMin: Whoa I actually stayed frozen for 4 caps!

Here is the link to this pic ~ YooSu+JaeHo 

Edit: I hope it's alrite this time, if not I am gona delete this post coz I suck at LJ posting T_T  It seems ok now *phew*

Happy Together ended just now. It was hilarious and I don't need sub to enjoy it (but of course I still cant wait for sub XD) Chang "I am genius" Min was the first to leave the sauna room, followed by Yun "Rap King" Ho, Jun "I am cute" Su and Jae "yoerobun!" Joong. Yoo "oh Micky you're so fine, you're so fine, oh Micky!" Chun sucks in noraebang I guess *pwahahaha* My memorable moment from this show would have to be YooChun who was wearing stockings with Park Myung Soo's faces on them, used them to wipe the wet sauna room ^^ Since MyungSoo~ssi's face is on the upper part of the stockings, YooChun took off the stockings and wore it facing down before he wiped the floor again XD

Finally can sleep *sigh* Next stop: KBS Music Bank! <3

fandom!pairing!tvxq!: jaeho!yunjae!, tvxq!dbsg!thsk!: junsu!xiah, fandom!pairing!tvxq!: yoosu, tvxq!dbsg!thsk!: jaejung!hero!youngwoong, own made: caps, tvxq!dbsg!thsk!: changmin!max!choikang, fandom: tvxq!dbsg!thsk!, tvxq!dbsg!thsk!: yunho!uknow, tvxq!dbsg!thsk!: yoochun!micky!yuchun

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