(no subject)

Jul 07, 2006 16:12

Today of course I went to Sasha's and we went in town to hang out with Cole and Clay. She decided to go meet up with Allie, Julia, and Chris at the Port. So Cole and I stayed at the gazebo in town. Or the band stand or whatever you want to call it. Anyway we were waiting for Clay and we saw his car. We watched him walk down the street to it, and then I thought he was looking at us but then Cole said he was making a phone call, I said it would be funny if Sasha's phone rang. Because I had it with me. Next thing I know the phone is ringing. So I pick it up and he was all like "where are you guys?" I told him we were there waiting for him at the gazebo. So he came to get us. Then they wanted to go to Taco Bell. So I called Sasha and told her that we would come pick her up at the Port. It was amusing, we fit 4 people in to Clay's two seat car. It was cramped and difficult. But we pulled it off. So we went to Taco Bell and ate and then we went back to Cole's house for a while and then Sasha and I walked back to her house and then I came home and now I am here. Well there is more later to come. Bye bye!
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