some stuff

Jul 13, 2006 15:28

My perfect man:

1, must be taller than me
2, good looking [cute, handsome, hot, or/and sexy]
3, understands me
4, is also a nerd, but not smarter than me ><
5, good career (job)
6, will not be weirded out by my weirdness
7, will help me take over the world [Australia and European part of Russia claimed by my sister]
8, good personality
9, does not care whe I go ORLANDO!!!!!!
10, mostly likes the stuff I like

I am straight, but just for fun:

My perfect woman:

1, mature, yet playful
2, pretty and/ or cute
3, shares my love for manga and anime
4, smart
5, doesn't have many, many, many friends, only a couple close ones and a handful of regular friends
6, is not too shy
7, will also help me take over the world
8, trusts me
9, won't cheat
10, encouragin


1, The world-famous musician Gioacchino Antonio composed more than 50 operas before his eleventh birthday. Can you explain how he was able to accomplish such a phenomenal feat?

2, Why is the man who refuses to gamble as bad as a person who does?

3, What does a farmer grow if he works day and night?

4, What is the best way to prevent water from coming into your house?

5, What one thing has done the most to arouse the working class?

6, Why would a barber rather shave 10 men from Philadelphia than one from Boston?

7, How can you buy eggs and be certain that there are no chickens in them?

8, What is the best thing to keep in the winter?

9, What two documents have contributed the most to the United States Government?

10, If butter is $1.45 a pound in Chicago, what are windows in Detroit?

11, What is the easiest thing for a hunter to catch in a heavy winter rain?

12, What do hippopotamuses have that no other animals have?

13, You have four piles of leaves on your front lawn. You have five piles of leaves in your backyard. WHen you put the piles together, how many piles of leaves will you have?

14, An electric train is traveling west. There is an 18 mph wind blowing from the north. Which way will the smoke blow?

15, Which is better- and old one-hundred-dollar bill, or a new one?

16, What question can a person ask all day long, always get completely different answers, and yet all the answers could be correct?

17, Why didn't the United States Government, in 1800, bury Benedict arnold with full military honors?

18, In a certain city, 5% of all the persons in town have unlisted phone numbers. If you select 100 names at random from the city's phone directory, how many people selected will have unlisted phone numbers?

19, There is a horse tied to a rope. The rope is 10 feet long. there is a bale of hay 23 feet in front of the horse. The horse is able to eat the hay, yet does not break the rope. How is that possible?

1, His birthdays on a leap year
2, He's no better at it
3, Tired
4, Don't pay the water bill
5, an alarm clock
6, He'd make more money
7, Don't buy chicken eggs
8, Warm
9, Tax forms
10, glass
11, a cold
12, baby hippos
13, 1 pile
14, none, electric trains have no smoke
15, an old one-hundred dollar bill
16, What time is it?
17, He didn't die in 1800
18, none, the 100 names are from the phone book
19, the rope is not tied to anything


Remember: rubyd is god(dess?)

<3 <333

perfect woman, perfect man, riddles

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