Would You Like Fries With That?

Jan 10, 2005 18:20

Hey there, well today was awesome. Except for classes, I fell asleep during english again which is hard considering my teacher is a hard ass about falling asleep. Most teachers dont care at all. This morning the bus almost left someone, they were running so fast. It made me laugh. Then of course to ruin my decent lunch the teachers kicked us out of the hall so we had to sit in the humid heat. But then of course Michael Somerfelt decides to lick all my favorite pens and pencils. I was just like shooting them across the table and then he took it and like licked it, it was so gross. I had to thouroughly wash my pencil because it was my only one left and my pen...well I gave it to my friend Sheridan. Oh that was the highlight of my day. She was like 'why are you giving me this' and then I was like 'no reason,' 'whats wrong with it?' she asked. 'oh nothing, oh except Michael Somerfelt liked it.' Then she through it down the hall. Michael Somerfelt also threw my bottle of mr. pibb out the window...bitch. But he has his good points, once he gave my geography teacher eight caffiene pills saying they were mints. The next day she was all jumpy and had stayed up untilll three for no reason. That was funny, he also fell asleep while the teacher was yelling at him.
Enough about him, he ruined my day by taking away my caffiene and giving my pens aids. the rest of the day went by slow. I have no idea about geometry, that teacher is retarted. Then again Mr. Davidson is on crack, so I guess its okay. Seriously, he had a conversation on a payphone to himself and then told my friend that the call was for him. This was when we were walking to the art muesem. All very funny.
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