Some Thoughts

Jan 10, 2011 12:07

Looking through pictures, I realized just how much better off I am without some people in my life.  The pictures show that basically they have no life of their own.  They are constantly glued to others that are probably tired of them being around.  I know for sure that was the case with one because they told me that they were getting annoyed with someone.  Eventually this person is going to get hurt my their "friends" because they will get tired of him being around 24/7.  No one really likes him that much.  I mean his roommates couldn't stand him and one of his best friends in Boone got so tired of him being around.  Then come to find out that the real reason that he left Boone is because he got in trouble with some lady's husband.  What does that tell ya?  She was drunk and he was saying that he was someone that he wasn't.  OMG!  So glad that I'm not with him anymore.  If you couldn't guess, I am talking about my ex.  I know that I'm just sitting here bashing him but I have no other real way to get these feelings out other than crying.  I have been so daggum depressed for almost a month now and I am not sure how to shake this depression.  It has been a long time since I have been depressed.  I sat in the floor the other night and just cried for probably a good 10 minutes.  It was horrible.  I can't handle feeling like this anymore.  Maybe I need to go see someone.  I'm not too sure.  I have been praying but I am still really depressed.  I hate my ex!  A lot of this is his fault.  Just knowing that he is back in town made it bad...but then during my internship I got to spend a day with a mutual friend of mine and his and he told me that my ex misses me and was hoping that once I finished my internship and graduated that things would change between us.  I'm like no freaking way!  I'm not doing that again!  I refuse to do that to myself....especially after finding out what happened in Boone.  It feels good to let it out this way.  Thanks for bearing with me!
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