Apr 06, 2005 18:21
Holy Madness I am so stressed. Sometimes I feel like I am a married woman. I have bills to pay for and a husband (jesse) to take care of. It seems so much easier to just give up. I hate the fact that people I dont even talk to anymore are talking shit about me. Do you have nothing else better to do with your time? I am not that important TRUST ME!! I wish that people will just go away and leave me the hell alone! WORK AUHHH I never dreamed of waking up at 5 every morning to go to work. It sucks ass. And then all day I change diapers and wipe noses..but then I feel special when they start to cry and grap ahold of my leg and for the love of God they wont let go. I have never had so many bruises in my life. Im saying there are some BAD ASS kids that attend my day-care. Ive been kicked scratched and ive been bitten once or twice. Jesse is not making things better cuz he works all day longer than I do so when he gets home all he wants to do is sleep or complain about his day when I myself havnt had a day in Heaven. Me and him have no time for each other during the week and sucks cuz it leads to me and him fighting about not having time.....AUGG I WISH I WAS TWO!