icon batch 6.4.10

Jun 04, 2010 17:07

This would be the new set of icons. HURRRRRUUAY!
I've been holding on to a lot of these for a while now and thought it was about time I put them out. Blahblahblah Mass effect icons blahblah comics.  This time I made some icons of Dita, because shes only gorgeous and the big sister icons come from here.
As for for #39-42 they come from the love rug ad where I crackly shoved Thanes+Garrus face on. >3>

Mass effect: 42
Comics: 39
Other: 15
Total:: 96


























Please credit. ♥
-Comments would are super loved & will reply asap!
-Save to your own server.
-Resources used ::HERE

icons:mass effect, icons:dc, icons:dita, icons:video games, icons, icons:comics, icons:marvel

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