Updates for June 5, 2007

Jun 05, 2007 18:18

  • Feedback link (it is now Contact Blind VI)
  • My Profile

  • As mentioned; chose to rename the feedback link.
  • Feedback page has had some edits and bug fixes.
  • Fixed the links to Braille Suite, White Cane Project and Access Tech on the main page of the site.

    Changes to the website
  • Changes to the feedback link on the nav bar and main page are only effective to Blind VI. When I get a chance I will make edits to feedback link for The Braille Suite, White Cane and Access Tech.

  • Access Tech will have the maintance mode page up. I just can't find the time to work on that part of Blind VI.

  • White Cane will have some pictures up on the photos of canes. You will not see any photos of cane use unless I can come up with some drawings of different ways a cane is used i.e. going up/down steps, locating objects, tactile etc.
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