Copyright and Credits

Mar 24, 2006 14:29

Copyright Notice has a copyright notice on all pages. Blindvi at angelfire does not. Therefore both will. I can't get into the server onsite80 to update the copyright dates for But I can however go on the angelfire site and update the blindvi page on there. Copyright info will be at the bottom of the page in a frame.

The following lists will state what is permited and not permitted on this website and that all visitors must follow.

Because this is a website listing you may:
  • Search information on various categories.

  • Jot down information that might become useful or handy.

  • Tell others by linking to this website:

  • Request a listings change only if you own the website that I linked to.
You may NOT:
  • Hijack or Take Over the site

  • Copy the format off of blindvi's angelfire or site80 locations.

  • Copy the entire website from either location and publish it as your own work. Don't be lazy, search the web for your information.

  • Copy/Publish entire pages or sections of my website at either location without my concent. Want it? Ask and I might grant your request.

  • Copy/Publish any information from either site locations without consent from me. Again, if you want it, ask and I might grant your request.

  • Solicit myself, my sponsor, my site's community or it's moderators for requests to copy this website.
I spent well over 2 yrs working on this website, and I'm dedicated to working on providing useful information for the public to use. I find any signs of the copyright abused, or this entire site and it's features plagiarized I will take necessary action. I wouldn't want anyone copying my website's format, or content in any way. My Sponsor has been notified and if copyright is broken again, either myself or my sponsor will take action.

Due to the fact that I got my information off of many websites (way to many to list)If I got info/features off your page, I credit you for your work!

My Sponsor/php coder Giustiweb

Moderators Francesca and Byron who keep a eye on things on the site's community.

Site80 and Angelfire for hosting both blindvi locations.
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