Chat Rooms Idea
Here are a couple that I've used in the past and liked. And so I'll give you the pros and cons. I would like to host a chat program for my site. But I want something where I can go to the chat page, click on a channel and log in to enter the channel. I also need a seperate text chat room for those who are either uncomfortable texting in a voice chat, or prefer their own space. A few programs come to mind. Each will be linked to their websites.
- Chatterbox
It has EVERYTHING that we need. Text and voice chat which alot of you want. Problem is: It's expensive! We need someone to purchase a server and host it. I think Chatterbox hosts the server but we'd have to pay.
- Global Communications Network
It's a free utility. Great for everyone who has cable, dsl or dialup. Has seperate areas for voice chatting, and texting. A few problems: Not many downloaded the program for one. Another had problems with accessing the menus (it'd disapear and Jaws would go in circles.) and the biggie of all problems: Ad banner can't be removed per group. If a person wants ad free chatting, they'd have to pay GCN to have it removed.
- Ventrilo
Besides Chatterbox, Ventrilo is a very nice VoIP chat program. That means you'd have to download the program from the website and install it. The problem with this service: You have to have a licensed ventrilo host. It's bloody expensive and you'd have to go to one of the listed hosts that are legit on the website. And some are cheap, some are expensive. Do the math first before you buy in other means. And most of the servers hosting the ventrilo server either have you pay for one channel, or per ammount of people chatting. Also some servers restrict it to gaming only. If we went the free route, only a total of 8 people can chat on the server. And someone would have to host it. Finally, it only has one text chat area for the entire server. And people can read what you write and some aren't comfortable with the idea.
The thing is: We need a seperate sponsor for the chat program. This means someone would have to read through this entry, check out the websites (except for GCN, thats just a problem site all in its own.) choose a program, email me informing they are purchasing the server for, register and purchase the server and start hosting it.
If anyone wants my feedback on which ones to look at: Chatterbox, simply because you can have seperate text and voice rooms.
If you are indeed interested in purchasing and hosting a server for the site: Leave me a email at: PHPBB Boards Announcement
It's not a good one I'm afraid. Boards are gone. First it's a forbiden message and then the search page. Server problems or server update I don't care. I emailed sponsor twice and got no response. So I don't know if is down again or not. Last time we had this problem was at the actual website and it took almost a half a year to fix. We were down for a good 4 to 6 months at least. I could be exagurating on the ammount of time. But thats ridiculas to have to take a half a year to fix the thing. So we are using the
proboards message boards from the old website's location. I greatly apologize for the inconvience we are having on this feature.