Jan 31, 2006 18:51
Hm..halfway there, only 90 days left of high school, so awesome. I can not wait to leave that building. So many individuals comment on how "you'll want to go back..bleh bleh..etc" bull...yet maybe they are right to a sense. I probably will want to come back to my teen years and such, but defiantly not in that building. I'll miss how easy the classes were...as opposed to college. I will miss my friends and the people I will see maybe five other times in my life. And I'll defiantly miss the ones who will promise to call but somehow fall off the face of the earth...can't wait. It will indefinitely be interesting...I know that much.
So many things seem to be going on in the next five months, but I REALLY just want them to go by...really fast, like more then anything...well almost anything..but still. Biggest thing I've heard practically everywhere...prom? Yes prom...the night of enchantment, when the perfect guy in your life will appear at your door step dressed beautifully with a corsage at hand. A limo filled with a few of the most important people in your life will arrive, the night will be unforgettable. The expenses...who cares...the drama...won't happen...the fights...never. Eh maybe it's just all the drama pre-prom but it just doesn't seem to appealing. I honestly was looking forward to prom for about a week...but the compassion that I had for it that week, I guarantee will not resume anytime soon. Anyway maybe I'll go just for the experience, so I do not look back and regret not going. Yet, defiantly no date=no prom, I should look into that stuff though...
What else do I have in my life to talk about..nothing interesting that's fer sure. Hmm my job sucks ass, can not wait to turn 18. Which is super soon :) yes, so excited. Now that I think about it...it is nothing that special besides.. I can get into clubs that aren't filled with 13 year olds, I'll get a car, I can buy porn, lotto tickets too, and a tattoo :) Ah yes just like every other 18 year old I plan on getting a tattoo soon. And of course I'll hear from the individuals that are all against that. "You just want to be like everyone else" "Why would you do that?" Honestly...my life my body, I would not put something on my body that I'd regret later on in life. And half the people that say that are the ones who actually want a tattoo but are too intimidated to go through with the pain. Others are just totally against it...it alters. For example Miss Makula's lip ring...the ones who were like "what the hell did you do?". Way to make the girl feel like shit, she did what she wanted. And quite frankly I doubt she cares how much you hate it, and would never do such a thing. Rock the lip ring..freaking rock it to the max. But you have a life...everyone does, it's a gift, live you life. Do what you want. What is so difficult? Yea of course guidance is needed, but seriously...grow up. Make mistakes...learn from them. Cry, scream, smile, laugh...everyone does it. I'm just sick of others trying to live their own life through others. Of course there are exceptions to this...like anything else but as a whole...it's getting to be too much.
Well I don't really think I mentioned Megan moving to Georgia or coming back...but she is back now, I missed her mucho. I still miss her immensely for some reason. I've been through so much with that girl, I really wish I could pay her back for everything she had done for me, but that is an unearthly task. When I saw her in the hallway for the first time in weeks my heart sunk to my stomach and I stopped breathing, I was so happy yet maybe she was right about the gift I wanted; who knows.
...well it's time to write my ms kramer college english essay thing...time to go back to the big toys...ill probably post all my essays and random shit I have saved on her just so I'll never lose it...unless this site crashes..who knows...