Nov 24, 2002 12:42
There's certain girls that look hella nice with a sweatshit on, but then when I see them again without the hoody, they look gross. There's this hella tight party this weekend, but there was this one on friday, and my friend and I boxed. He was stoned, so my punches didn't hurt him, except he had to stop every five minutes cause he thought he was going to puke i was hitting him so hard. He was hella goofy boxing, and he was just throwing punches in the air. It got so bad, that I finally put my hands down and gave him 6 free shots, I didn't even budge. Everyone says he won or that it was a fair fight, but next time, I'm messing him up, because this match I wasn't allowed to hit him in the face cause he has a plate in his cheek from playing HS baseball. Peace.