idk idk idk

Jul 09, 2008 19:59

1. A family member and you:

My brother Jordyn and I. We are humongous dorks together.

2. A pet of yours:

THIS IS MY FAVORITE KITTY. His name is Tigger and he lives at my mom's house and I miss him so so so much.

3. Your favorite book:


4. Something you dislike:


5. Something you love:

Pretty weather.

6. The most beautiful girl in your opinion?

<3 <3 <3 <3

7. The most recent movie you watched:

I fucking adore this movie.

8. You and a friend:


9. Your Fear:
See #4

10. A celebrity you think is lame:

lololol ilu pete but plz gtfo ----->

11. A picture of you last year:

Angie + Me + Our illigitimate love child, lol. <3

12. The most current picture of you:

Well, this is the most current picture I have in my photobucket account.

13. Any piercings/tattoos you have?

You can see my rose tattoo in this one. ( holding a coconut.) I have another tattoo, a nine in roman numerals on my left ankle, but I haven't taken any pictures of it.

14. A picture of you dressed up:

Dressed as Ryan Ross, lolololol.

15. A picture of you dressed down:

Hobo chic.

16. A picture of your back:

This is almost a picture of my back. Idk.

17. A picture of your legs:

On the left! The other pair of legs belong to Lydia!

18. A picture of your hand:
...I have never taken a picture of my hand.

19. A picture of you and your significant other:

I love this one. ♥

20. A picture of you wearing glasses:

Aka all of them.

pictures, meme

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