Jul 21, 2009 09:55
So I haven't posted in a long while (any posts that you can see! Ha!). I'll make a better effort from here forth.
I've been playing a lot of World of Warcraft lately. Mhm. Don't give me shit for it. Don't tell me that it's more important than other things in my life. WoW has kept me going these last 5 weeks. My life has been far from enjoyable this summer. As some of you kittens may have seen, I'm single. It's not how I wanted things to end up, and the ride there was thoroughly unenjoyable. However, I hope to move my life forward and in a better direction.
Right now, I have a:
40 Blood Elf Affliction Warlock (Thorium Brotherhood)
35 Blood Elf Retribution Paladin (Thorium Brotherhood)
30 Troll Marksminship Hunter (Thorium Brotherhood)
22 Blood Elf Combat Rogue (Thorium Brotherhood)
16 Tauren Protection Warrior (leveling him as Fury) (Thorium Brotherhood)
8 Draenei Shaman (Bronzebeard)
I started my Draenei last night and I'm not sure where I'm going with her just yet. I don't like Alliance characters, this is true, but my friend Scott (who works at the Verizon kiosk in BJ's) is a WoW veteran and an Alliance enthusiast. Bronzebeard is my brother Graham's realm (he just got his second 80, a Dwarf Ret/Holy paladin the other day). I really like my Shaman and can't wait for the servers to get back up. I may make several Alliance characters (I already made two on Velen but they're long forgotten and very low) but will not make a human, dwarf, or gnome. Well, I might make a dwarf, but I doubt it. We shall see.
Off to do something lame while I wait for the servers. Hope you're all well.
world of warcraft