So Much Good Shit!

Mar 27, 2010 23:40

There is so much happiness for me right now that it is hard to express it!

And just because I'm SO happy... Look at my baby Lordi! Isn't he just the cutest evil kitty? (Please disregard the ugly girl wearing the zebra ears... I REALLY hate having my picture taken.... :[ )

First, monday I got my heartagram tat. I love it. It hurts like fuck. But it is SO pretty! I'll post a pic once the redness goes down. And I can get a camera in my hands. =D

Second, Got to see my tat artist and his wife's burlesque troupe. Loved the show. It was all based around fairytales. The best part was their version of Robin Hood: Men in Tights! But it was an interesting experience and very cool to check off my list of things to do before I die. We're going to the next show in April! LOL

Third, I BOUGHT MY PLANE TICKET! YAY! Y-A-Y! YAY! I'll be leaving May 4th to go see Uli in Norway. I'm so excited!

Last, My sis is FINALLY divorcing her lazy good-for-nothing bastard husband. He hasn't had a steady job since they were MARRIED like 2 years ago. He's quit and been fired from the 3 jobs he has had since they were married. I'm so glad that she has finally realized the pain he was causing her. I'm going with her to the divorce attorney this monday. I'm so proud of her. Now she can go for her dreams and find a man that will treat her right.

Here's something else I never got around to posting ever, cuz again.. I hate having my picture taken...especially after standing out in the rain/drizzle... so yea.. adore the Jussi...ignore me and my poodle hair :[

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