What a strange night. An OLD ex girlfriend (from, like, RIGHT out of hugh school) called me earlier this week. We both work for the same company, and I'm kind of the go-to guy for anything technology related (my official job title is Senior Technology Specialist). She needed help getting her laptop to work (and that is NOT a metaphor, you sick sick people). I did what I could, although I did not notice any significant problems with her computer... But it was really nice to get to talk to her. We broke up over some less than ideal circumstances, and then we never really talked about it for five years or so. Tonight she made minestrone and what she called "double troubles" (and trouble is the appropriate word for anything involving that much Grey Goose). And after a fair amount of alcohol had been applied to the situation, we ended up opening up quite a bit. I think it was really good for both of us to hear some apologies from each other, and just catch up to see where we are now. Then her boyfriend came over, someone she seemed less than enthused about, but I found to be an entirely likable person, and right up her alley... A nice night, but very strange, as I think we've kind of avoided talking to each other for far too long, and there is no good reason for that...
*I* have a new friend, too. :)