Jan 31, 2010 13:44
I'm not sure how second semester of senior year works at other schools, but for me it's involved tons of reading and tests and essays (well, two essays, but given that it's been all of a week) and a giant APES project that is very interesting but also very grueling. That said, it doesn't feel quite as grueling as first semester, but I don't remember the first week of first semester very well.
More than ever, I'm feeling edgy to get into and go to college. I've been reading Wesleyan's course catalog, plotting what courses I would take freshman year (to date, I've done this for all my schools except American University and Stanford, the former of which simply has too many courses and too many potential majors for me to plan right now, the latter of which I just plain don't want to go to) and it got me excited for Wesleyan again, which is nice. I was insanely in love with that school when I visited, but lately I haven't thought of it as much--it just seems too expensive. That said, FAFSA predicts my family's expected financial contribution will be a big fat zero, so maybe I'll get financial aid.
My moods have been weird the last few weeks, but life is good right now.
higher education costs too much,
high school,
college obsessiveness