You know, I really don't care what your political views are. My girlfriend is a conservative, three of my best friends opposed civil unions for gays, and basically I just don't care. It's like religion; for all I care you can worship a creampuff as long as you don't think it's okay for worshippers of the creampuff to kill off everyone who prefers puff pastries.
But there are some things that I just can't deal with. Like when we sit around debating what's torture and what isn't, and when it's okay to use torture. Try this, America: if the government of any other country did this to one of your citizens, whether they're a terrorist or a random farmer picked off the street because someone wanted to settle a grudge or collect a bounty, would we bomb that country to bits? If the answer is yes, then we have no right to do it to anyone else.
I actually typed a giant spiel on this instead of studying for finals, but I stopped halfway through because I was driving myself insane. I don't really want to have a conversation on this topic--I could have one, at great length with ridiculous amounts of information, but I'd rather go sob into a pillow instead. Sorry about that.
Also, regarding the Massachusetts election--as pathetic as it is that fifty years of Democratic representation was lost to a guy who posed near-naked in Cosmopolitan, it's more pathetic that Democrats are going crazy over losing their supermajority. What the heck did you do with the supermajority anyway? Besides stuff health care reform with pork.
Can I move to Europe now, please?