Title: While the City Sleeps (We Rule the Streets)
xbrittxwentzxPairings: Jon/Ryan, Brendon/Spencer, Spencer/Ryan, Brendon/Ryan, Brendon/Spencer/Ryan, eventual Jon/Ryan/Spencer/Brendon (GSF). Minor Pete/Patrick. Mentioned unrequited Mike Carden/William Beckett. Also extremely minor Ryan/OMC(s).
Rating: NC-17
POV: 3rd, Ryan centric
longerthanwedoWord Count: 45,000
Disclaimer: This is 100% fiction. Vampires don't exist and this all never happened.
Warnings: A lot of blood shed, child abuse, violence, mild drug use, alcohol, a lot of swearing, vampires and sex. If any of that bothers you I say you shouldn't read it.
Summary: Vampire!AU. Sixteen candles AU. Sequel to
From Now On We Are Enemies. Still set before the events in the video. Ryan Ross gets the call from Jon with the news about Spencer. He thinks it over before finally deciding to fly to Chicago, with the hope of running into Spencer. But what will happen once there? Will he end up like Spencer, being sucked into the vampire world, or will he listen to the Clandestine Hunters' warnings?
Author Note: This is the longest thing I have ever written, omg. I want to say a thank you to all my cheerleaders who kept me going and writing this and not totally scraping it when I had the worst beta trouble. You all should know who you are. Also thank you so so much to
longerthanwedo who basically saved my ass and beta'd this. I'm really kind of proud of myself for writing something this long and this is pretty much my bb. I worked really hard on it and I'm really stoked to be posting it finally. Hope everyone enjoys it. ♥
Part One |
Part Two |
Part Three Part Four |
Part Five |
Part Six