Come what may - 1/1

Sep 24, 2009 20:01

Title: Come what may
Word Count: 5,110
Pairings: Harry/Draco and Hermione/Ron with the very slightest hint of Snape/Lily
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, romance, DH-compliant AU.
Warning: Talk of abuse, self harm and suicide.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is not mine, blah blah blah, don't sue cause my ass if poor.

Un-beta'ed, sorry. Any and all mistakes are my own (i'm known as the typo queen around friends), and i apologize for them. Feel free to point any mistakes out, as long as you're polite about it ^_^

Author's Notes: This fic was written for mistakenelegant, who requested on my writing meme for an angst-y Harry/Draco fic with a side of boy kissage and romance. And as per usual, her wish is my command. Just and FYI, there's still spaces open in the meme if you'd like to request something. Also, i haven't written a HP fic since before HBP came out so i'm sorry if this is a little rubbish.

Summary: Both boys were tired and ready to move on.

Like so many things in Harry’s life, it all started with a really bad quip. It was stupid really, nothing that should have gotten anyone’s dander up. But Ron being, well, Ron, got upset over something Draco had said to Hermione during potions. It was amazing how quickly things then disintegrated, it actually made Harry long for the days that Snape ran the potions class. Never in all of Snape’s reign had there been a duel break out in the middle of the class, and there certainly hadn’t been any punches thrown that’s for sure. It made the boy who lived sigh at his friend, pinching the bridge of his nose. It wasn’t that Harry could fault Ron’s snap judgement, they were all on egg shells. The war, even though over for almost a year, was still fresh in everyone’s mind. Ron had lost his brother in the fight at Hogwarts and it cut the youngest male Weasley deep, as it did to the whole family. It was odd seeing George without Fred around, the poor red headed twin was never the same after the loss of his brother. It was difficult going back to Hogwarts after the war, since it had been the place that so many had taken their last breaths. But it was a necessary evil, because of Voldemorts move for power the year before everyone had missed out on that year of school. It was odd for Harry to be back in the walls of the place, seeing people coming and going. It was like nothing had changed, if it wasn’t for the complete and obvious absences of certain teaching staff, you would have never known anything had ever happened within the ancient castle.

“Ron, stop it! He didn’t mean any harm!.” Hermione said to her boyfriend, trying to stop him from flying off the handle more so than he already was. And off the handle he was, he had already hexed the blonde boy before going to punch him in the face. Draco, surprising everyone but Harry, managed to duck the punch from the larger boy. He may have been a bit of a spoilt mummy’s boy, but Draco was a quick study and knew how to handle himself in a physical altercation.

“He called you a mudblood, I heard him!” Ron snapped, his anger making his face as red as his hair.

“Ronald!” Hermione pleaded, trying to get him to listen to her, but to no avail. Ron moved for the other boy once again, the fact that his girlfriend was pulling on his arm barely registering. “He didn’t call me anything!”

“He’s nothing but a bloody little death eater git!” Ron all but shouted, taking yet another swing, this one landing firmly against the blonde’s jaw. Draco stumbled to the side, hitting the edge of one of the tables and fell to the floor.

Harry looked up at the newly assigned potions professor, looking to see if she would put a stop at all to what was happening. The poor girl looked like she was barely three years older than the class she was suppose to be teaching, and had the very clear look of a deer caught in the headlights. With yet another sigh, Harry finally realized that as per usual, he would have to step in. Getting up from where he had been sitting and abandoning his attempt to stay neutral, mostly because after leading a war against a mad man, confrontations had lost their allure. He slapped the table firmly with his right hand, not even noticing the feeling of splinters from the wooden table top slicing into his palm. The one simple movement seemed to stop the entire room mid stride, everyone turning to look at him. With a little roll of his eyes, he placed a hand on Ron’s shoulder and shoved him down into the nearest seat. “Park it.” He told his friend in a tone that left no room for argument.

The group of students that had been gathering to watch, what they had been sure was finally going to be Draco Malfoy’s beating, parted like the sea as Harry moved closer to the blonde in question. For a simple moment he stood over the other boy, looking down on him like a king on his humble subject. Draco stayed where he was, propping himself up on the floor with his right elbow while he held his left hand to his lip that Ron had managed to split. The entire room seemed to have taken a collective breath and held it, waiting to see what was going to happen. After what seemed like hours, even though it was truly nothing more than seconds, Harry extended his right hand out to help Draco up. The other boy looked at Harry’s hand, his face and then back again. Calculating and cold storm grey eyes flickered over Harry’s face, asking the one unspoken question everyone in the room had to have been thinking. Was Harry Potter actually offering a helping hand to Draco Malfoy? Was he mad!?

Silently, Draco reached his left hand out and took hold of Harry’s outstretched hand. No one in the room had been expecting to see that, but of course no one in the room had also expected to be suddenly blinded up a bright flash of ethereal white light either. There was a noise like the sound of a fire sizzling under the downpour of a torrential rain, and by the time the light cleared there was a very distinct lack of two people. Both Harry and Draco were gone.


Both boys groaned in pain, closing their eyes against the brightness that was quickly trying to burn their retinas out. When they finally managed to chance a look around, both were shocked to find that they were now standing in the middle of a field. The grass grew wild, coming up to about their waists. Off to the right there was a drop off of a cliff, the sound of gulls in the air making it plainly obvious that they were on the edge of the sea. The sun was bright in the sky and rather sweltering, making the air move slightly in the heat. Harry cupped his hand over his eyes and squinted, seeing what looked like a bright red brick cottage just off in the distance.

“Uh, Potter?”

“Huh?” Harry hummed, his attention snapping back to Draco.

“You can let go of my hand now.”

Harry looked down to see both their hands still joined, quickly letting go. “Sorry.” He muttered, looking at the palm of his hand only to see the smear of blood from where the splinter had pierced his skin. “Ow.” He murmured, pulling the large sliver of wood out of his palm.

Draco absentmindedly wiped his own hand against his bloody lip once again, looking around in wonder. “Where the hell are we?” He asked, more to himself than to Harry.

“No idea, but I think it’d be safe to say that we’re not exactly at Hogwarts anymore.”

At Harry’s words, Draco gave him a dry sarcastic look that said; you think?

“Shut up.” Harry muttered sullenly.


The two young Wizards trudged through the wild field toward the small cottage in silence, both of them looking as if they were stuck in his own thoughts. Harry couldn’t help but think back to his first year in Hogwarts when he and Draco had gotten detention together in the Forbidding Forest, at least this time around he wasn’t going to attacked by Voldemort and left behind by a screaming scared child. Or at least he hoped that wouldn’t happen, but in his life Harry knew never to put anything past the fates and their cruel jokes. Once they reached the back porch of the small building, Harry pulled his wand and took a defensive position. When Draco didn’t follow suit he gave the blonde boy an expectant look, which was only met with a slightly embarrassed clearing of a throat.

“I uh, I don’t have my wand.” Draco admitted quietly, since neither one of them knew who or what was waiting for them on the other side of the door they were currently facing.

“What!?” Harry asked incredulously.

“It was knocked out of my hand during the fight.”

“More like your beating.” Harry muttered to himself, rolling his eyes.

“What was that?” Draco shot the other boy a hard glare.

“Nothing.” Harry countered quickly, taking a hold of the door handle. “Just, stay behind me.” He said with a nod of his head. “You’re not use to me without a wand.” Draco simply snorted at that but did as he was told non the less, moving to stand behind Harry as he turned the knob and pushed the door open. Harry couldn’t help but think of those old police shows that his cousin would watch on the telly back when he still lived with the Dursley’s, the officer in front pushing open a door only to find a criminal on the other, a shoot out almost always ensued. He actually breath a very slight sigh of relief when all they were met with was an empty hallway, not that he actually expected to find a gun toting person inside but still. “Wait here.” He told Draco, turning and entering the cottage.

Draco hated being left behind, but it was his own fault for dropping his wand. So he waited while the bleeding savior of the Wizarding World went poking about an broken down shack in the middle of nowhere, the silence surrounding the area only broken occasionally by the screech of a gull. He managed to feign nonchalance for a good five minutes before finally started to get a little worried, not for Harry mind you. No, he could care less what happened to him. But anything in the house that was powerful enough to take out Harry flipping Potter was pretty much guaranteed to be able to take out a wandless Draco Malfoy. The blonde moved closer to the door, scanning the darkend interior with apprehension. “Potter?” He called out softly, swallowing thickly. “Potter?” He tried again, this time a little louder. It was then that someone jumped out at him, making a overly cartoon-ish sounding growling noise. Draco started, jumping slightly. “Christ!” He sighed, shooting the laughing brunette an evil look.

Harry just laughed, leaning one hand on his knee. “Oh Merlin, I’m sorry.” He said through his laughs.

“Yes, because you sound it.” Draco drawled, crossing his arms over his chest.

“You just.” Harry straightened up, still chuckling brightly. “You started looking nervous there about a minute about, I, I just couldn’t resist.” He finished with a little sigh, smiling.

“You’re an ass.”

Harry laughed once again, before rolling his eyes at Draco’s obvious unimpressed expression. “Oh it was a joke, get over it.” He huffed, moving back into the house, this time the other boy following close behind. “It looks abandoned, doubt anyone has been here in years.” Harry spoke as they walked through the small four roomed house, each room was dark and covered in a very thick layer of dust. “I checked each room, there’s a kitchen, a bedroom, the loo and obviously the sitting room.” Harry explained, pointing to the ground when he mentioned the sitting room, since they were currently standing in said area.

“Quaint.” Draco said sarcastically

Harry just made a ‘hmmp’ sort of noise at the other boy’s obvious distaste for the tiny living quarters, not surprised at all by that. “There’s something else.”

“Oh do tell.” Draco said dryly, ignoring the slightly annoyed noise the brunette made at his tone of voice.

“Look.” Harry pointed to the small fireplace. “On the mantle.”

Arching an eyebrow at Harry, Draco moved to where the fireplace was and looked closely at the mantle piece. “That’s...” He started, looking at the two small figures carved into the old wood.

“A lion and a serpent.” Harry finished the sentence. “Whoever made this place, or claimed this place. They were Gryffindor and Slytherin.”

“But that’s impossible, Slytherin’s don’t fraternize with...”

“The likes of Gryffindors, yeah so I’ve heard.” Harry said tersely, crossing his arms as he watched Draco run his thumb over the carvings. “Maybe at one point they did.”

Draco looked over his shoulder at Harry, his eyes locking with the other boy’s for a split second. “Maybe.” He agreed before turning back to the mantle, shaking off an odd feeling he suddenly had twisting in his gut. “But, that still doesn’t explain how we got here.” Draco said, finally turning back to face Harry, who was flopping on one of the very dusty sofa’s. He rolled his eyes at the fact that the other boy didn’t give a damn about what state his school robes would be in from sitting on such filthy furniture.

“Sure it does.” Harry said easily, shrugging his shoulders. “Obviously friends, or possibly lovers even, one from Slytherin, one from Gryffindor, needed a place to hide. Somewhere to go away from the prying eyes of their classmates, somewhere they could be themselves. Because like you said, the likes of your kind does not fraternize with the likes of my kind.”

Draco narrowed his eyes at Harry, giving him an almost studious look. “That’s very perceptive of you, since when have you been so keen about the inner workings of forbidden love?”

“I’ve been hanging around Hermione far too long.” Harry said in an almost joking manner.

“You’re different.” Draco said suddenly.

“So are you.”

“Am I?”

Harry nodded, propping his feet up on the old table before him. “Only you could make total liberation from a megalomaniac seem more stressful.”

“Weasley seemed pretty stressed.”

“Yeah well, he lost his brother. It’s difficult to enjoy freedom when it came with the cost of someone you love.” He said simply.

Draco seemed to shift uncomfortable from one foot to the other, looking anywhere but Harry. “Yeah, I guess.”

“Well, I dunno how we’re suppose to get back.” He said in an oblivious tone, stretching his arms over his head with a satisfying sounding pop. “So I guess we might as well get comfortable.”

“Oh and how are we suppose to do that?”

“Well for one.” Harry started, standing up only long enough to shrug off his robes. “Get rid of that blasted thing.” He tossed it onto one of the dirty arm chairs, flopping back down into the seat he had been in, clad now in nothing but his jeans and a white t-shirt.

“You’re going to get filthy.”

“Whatever.” He looked up at Draco, who was still standing by the fireplace. “Are you going to stand there the whole time?”

“The thought’s crossed my mind.”


“Look at this place, it’s...”

“I know, filthy. God, you’re such a pansy.” He said with a sigh, pointing his wand at the various objects in the room and cleaning them with a simple flick of his wrist and a muttered spell “Better?”

Draco inhaled deeply, pursing his lips before moving to settle down at the other end of the sofa.

“You could relax you know, I’m not going to attack you.”

“Why not?”

“Because that would be rude?” Harry said in a sarcastic way, to which Draco just rolled his eyes. “Because, I didn’t leave you for dead last year, why would I kill you know? It just doesn’t make sense Draco.”

The blonde’s head snapped to the side, looking at Harry in shock. If he had moved any quicker he would have gotten whiplash. “What did you just say?”

“I said, it doesn’t make sense.”

“No, you said my name.”

“Yes, so?”

“So? So, you’ve never called me by my name, ever.”

Harry huffed dramatically, lulling his head back against the couch and looking up at the ceiling. “Look, the year is almost over. Pretty soon we will all be out of school and out in the real world, a world that is no longer cowering in terror. I don’t know about you, but childhood rivalries seems a little petty now.”

“It was not a childhood rivalry! I did horrible, dangerous things. I let the Death Eaters into the school grounds, I nearly killed people. You’ve lost your mental capabilities if you consider that a childhood rivalry.”

“Oh honestly, all this over a simple name. Okay, fine Malfoy. I won’t be civil, I’ll hold a grudge against you because of something you were forced to do for fear of death. Yes, that makes so much for sense.”

Draco looked down at his hands that sat in his lap, allowing the silence that hug between them to stretch on for an indefinite amount of time. He didn’t know what to say, what to do. He knew that what the other boy was saying was true, but it just seemed so surreal, like a dream. I couldn’t be that easy to find redemption, could it? It was a long while before either boy spoke again, the minutes ticking away without either one of their knowledge. It seemed that they were both deep in thought, at least that’s what Draco had assumed until he heard the soft yet distinct sounds of snores coming from Harry. He looked over at the other boy, who still had his head leaned back but now had his eyes closed and his mouth open slightly as the soft noise came from it. Draco actually managed to chuckle slightly, shaking his head. That was absolutely what he had expected from Potter, complete and absolute nonchalance.


Hours passed before Harry opened his eyes again, noticing that even though it was obviously darker outside the windows, there was a soft glow coming from the room he was in. With a slight groan, he arched his back and shook his shoulders out from sleeping sitting up for so long. His neck cracked as he tilted it from side to side, clearing his throat from the sticky sleep feeling. At the sound, Draco looked over at him. The Slytherin was sitting in front of the fireplace, a roaring fire crackling away brightly in it, casting a lovely orange glow throughout the small room. He was sat on his school robes, his jean clad legs pulled up against his chest, his arms around them in a loose fashion. He was wearing a gray long sleeved shirt, tugging the cuff of his left sleeve into his balled up fist.

“You wear jeans.” Harry said with a slight smirk.

“Expensive jeans.” Draco pointed out, turning back toward the fire.

“Of course.” Harry said with a chuckle, getting up from his seat and moving to sit on the ground next the Draco. “I never pegged you for a jean kind of guy.”

“Why?” The blonde asked, looking over at Harry once again.

“I dunno, they’re just too pedestrian I guess.” He shrugged.

“Shows what you know.” Harry just hummed in agreement. The two lapsed into silence, the only sound was the crackling fire and their even breathing. “Did you mean what you said?” Draco asked suddenly, still staring at the dancing flames. “Earlier, about not holding on?”


“Why?” Draco whispered.

“Because I’m tired of being angry, of hating. I spent seven years of my life doing those two things, I’m tired of it.” He paused before continuing. “Aren’t you?”

Draco swallowed past the lump in his throat before nodding, still refusing to look at Harry.

“What did you call Hermione today? Did you really call her a mudblood?”

“No.” Draco shook his head, speaking softly. “I was apologizing, for calling her one for so long. I guess that’s the only word Weasley heard and just jump to a conclusion in typical brute fashion.” Her muttered the last bit to himself, his tongue darting out to run over his busted lip.

“How’s your lip?” Harry asked, reaching up to grasp Draco’s chin with his hand and forcing him to turn his head to face the other boy. He looked at the scabbed over cut on Draco’s bottom lip before looking up to meet his eyes, finding very confused sliver gray meeting his own earnest green. “What brought on the sudden apology?”

At Harry’s question, Draco pulled his face out of the brunette’s grasp. “She was offering me her condolence.” He stared into the fire, the brightness stinging his eyes. “My father died over the summer.

“I know.” Harry murmured softly.

“He took his own life, rather death then Azkaban.”

“I know.” Harry said again. “I was told.”

He turned to Harry, a hard look in his slightly watery eyes. “Is this what this is? Pity?”

“You don’t deserve my pity, not again.” Draco nodded, resigned. “But perhaps you deserve my friendship.”

“Are you mad?” He asked, looking at him like he had lost his mind. “I’ve done horrible things.”

“So have I.” Harry shrugged.

“I’ve gotten people killed.”

“So have I, I’ll one up you with the fact that I have killed people.”

“I sat back, I watched him do those...” He paused, choking on his own words. “Things, to muggles and other wizards. I saw it all, I did what he asked.”

“You were a kid, what choice did you have?”

Draco got up, turning to look at Harry incredulously. “So where you! You were barely a teenager when you first encountered the dark lord and you still stood against him. You stood against him as a bleeding infant! Being a child is not an excuses!”

“I know what they did to you.” Harry said rather suddenly, bluntly while looking up at the other boy.

“Excuse me?”

“I read Snape’s journals after he died, McGonagall gave them to me. I know what they did to you growing up, to prepare you. What your aunt did when she got out of Azkaban, how she taught you.”

Draco shook his head, taking a step back when Harry got up to stand before him. “No.” He said in disbelief.

“You were a child, and they abused you. Horribly, tortured you. Brain washed you, it’s no wonder you chose him. You didn’t stand a chance, not against that. And I never thought, I never thought to reach out to you. By the time Dumbledore tried it was too late, and I’m sorry.”

“This is pity.” Draco said, sounding scared. “You can’t, you can’t know.”

“I do.” Harry assured him, taking a step forward. “I know what you did to yourself.” He moved to reach out and touch Draco’s left arm, only to have him yank it out of range.

“No! You can’t know, he wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t write it down, he couldn’t!” Draco shouted, looking like a scared little boy and not the 18 year old man he was.


“No!” He shouted before turning and bolting out of the back door and into the quickly darkening night.

“Wait!” Harry called out after him, quickly following.

“Get away from me!” Draco snapped as he stalked out into the field of waist high grass, the waning moon casting a soft sliver glow across the world. The cool breeze from the sea carried the scent of it as well as a light spray up from the coast, setting skin shivering with light goosebumps.

“Please, just listen to me.”

“I mean it Potter, get the hell away from me! I’m angry, I’m crazy angry!” He fumed.

“Would you just....”

“I mean it!” Draco yelled, pointing a finger at Harry’s chest. That’s when Harry grabbed his wrist suddenly, holding it firmly as the other boy struggled against him. “What the hell are you doing!?” Using his free hand, Harry tore his sleeve up. “No, no!” Draco said in a panicked tone. “Please, no!” But it was too late, his left arm was exposed. Right where the Dark Mark should have been was a mess of scars and badly healed skin.

“Oh my god.” Harry breathed, looking down at Draco’s arm before he finally managed to yank it away. “You cut the mark off.” He said, looking into Draco’s eyes.

“Every time.” He murmured, clutching his arm against his chest as tears started to well up in his eyes.

“How many times did they put it on you?”

“More times than I care to remember.” He admitted, tears slipping silently down his pale cheeks.

“Draco.” Harry reached out to touch him once again, only this time the blonde didn’t pull away. On the contrary, he turned and shoved Harry angrily.

“Who the hell do you think you are!?” He shoved him, causing the brunette to stumble back slightly. “You always stick your god damned nose where it doesn’t belong!” He shoved again.

“I just...”

“Shut up!” Draco pulled back and punched Harry, which caused Harry to lose balance and fall to the ground. Draco followed him down, grabbing him by the collar of the shirt and giving him a shake.

“Draco!” Harry shouted, grabbing a hold of his wrists.

The blonde stopped in mid movement, suddenly realizing he was manhandling Harry Potter in the middle of a moonlit field and somehow ended up straddling his upper legs while on the ground. He looked down into Harry’s face, a face filled with shock and pain and remorse and something else. “I....” Draco started, breathing heavily, not even noticing the tears that were still dripping slowly down his cheeks. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Harry said, moving one of his hands from Draco’s wrist to move it up and wipe away a tear with his finger.

“You’re bleeding.” Draco said simply, staring at Harry’s split bottom lip.

“So are you.” Harry smirked, moving to touch his thumb to Draco’s lip. “All that yelling, it tore the scab.”

Draco’s breath hitched at the feel of the other boy’s finger against his lip, not realizing that he was leaning forward. “Harry.”

“Yes?” He asked, leaning up slightly, his lips just inches from the other very enticing set that was hovering so very close.

“I don’t know what I’m doing.” Draco whispered, only to get a small smile in return.

“Neither do I.” Harry admitted before finally closing the distance between them and pressing his lips against Draco’s. The blonde made a small noise in the back of his throat as he allowed himself to be pulled farther onto Harry’s lap, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. Harry wrapped his arms tightly around Draco’s waist, kissing him deeply. Teeth clicked against teeth, tongue’s danced with one another and lips smeared droplets of blood. Neither one of them noticed the bright flash of white light or the odd sound that surrounded them as the field faded away and the potions class room came back into view. The two were so wrapped up in one another that the change of locations didn’t even register, the two happily oblivious in there own little world where there was nothing besides the feel of warm lips and warm hands and firm bodies pressed against one another. Their bliss was finally broken when the sound of someone clearing their throat echoed in, both boys breaking apart like a shot and standing up to face the sound.

“Ma’am.” Harry said quickly, seeing McGonagall standing before them, a twinkle in her eye. He sometime’s swore that she had somehow learned to do that from Dumbledore, either that or it was a trait that all headmasters had.

“I see you two found your way home, although I wasn’t expecting to walk in on something so personal.” She said with a little arch of one of her eyebrows. Both boys looked down at the floor, Harry scuffing one of his feet against the stone of the ground. Draco tugged on his sleeve, refusing to meet the woman’s eyes. “You had your friends very worried Harry.”

Harry just nodded, finally looking up. “I’m sorry.”

“You too Mr. Malfoy.”

It was Draco’s turn to look up at the woman. “What?”

“Miss Granger seemed very concerned for your well-being.”

“She.... what?”

“Oh yes, even gave me this when Mr. Weasley apparently tried to snap it.” McGonagall said, producing Draco’s wand from inside her robes, handing it back to the blonde.

“I...” He paused, taking the aforementioned wand. “Thank you.”

“Oh don’t thank me, thank her.” Draco just nodded once again. “Very well, it’s late, I suggest we all get to our own beds.” She gave the two pointed looks before turning to leave only to be stopped quickly by Harry.

“Professor, I, I just - Where were we?”

“I don’t know, where were you?” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest and giving the two a calculating look.

“Somewhere safe, and away.” Harry attempted to explain.

“Somewhere Slytherin’s and Gryffindor’s could be....”

“Friends.” Harry finished Draco’s sentence.

“Hmmm.” McGonagall hummed. “A place that was safe and away from prying eyes, one that took quite a bit of magic and intelligence and patients to make. A haven for two people, one from each of your houses. A pair that had something to hide, like a friendship or a love affair.” She gave Harry a knowing look. “I wonder who?”

Harry quickly caught on, the answer dawning in his eyes. “Snape.” He said softly, Draco looking at him. “Snape and my mother, it was theirs.”

“I believe muggle children call it a secret hide out.” She turned again, walking toward the door of the darkened class room. “Goodnight gentlemen.” She said simply before leaving the two alone standing there in awe. It was Harry who broke the dim first, chuckling as he touched his bottom lip.

“You know, most hide outs only require a secret handshake, not blood.”

Draco actually snorted at this, shaking his head. “Well Snape always was a morbid one.” He paused, finally turning to Harry. “I’m sorry about hitting you.” He said, motioning to the other boy’s lip.

“It’s fine.” Harry waved off the apology. “Are you, um, sorry about anything else?” He asked, actually managing to look slightly shy as he spoke.

“Many things.” Draco admitted. “But about today?” He paused, a small smile creeping onto his face. “No.” He whispered, shaking his head slightly.

Harry grinned brightly, chuckling softly. “Good.”

“Good.” Draco agreed, his smile growing more bright with each passing moment.

Harry had to admit, he enjoyed the look of a genuine smile on the blonde boy’s features. He was so used to seeing, sneers and smirks and variations of the two. But a actual god honest smile made him look so much more relaxed, so much younger, and all that more beautiful. The dark hard wizard wasn’t sure where the road they had just found would take them, but if it included more of those smiles he would gladly walk it, come what may.

Love it? Hate it? Comments are ♥

rating-pg, harry/draco, snape/liliy, harry potter, fanfic, writing meme

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