Series: Taken
Part: One - Taken Love
Word count: 1542
Characters: The staff of Torchwood Three
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Warnings: It is set in season 2, after Adrift but before Fragments and Exit Wounds. Basically it's AU after Adrift canon.
Disclaimer: Alas the Torchwood character's are not mine, they belong to other more fabulous people. Which makes me sad.
Un-beta'ed, sorry. Any and all mistakes are my own, and i apologize for them.
Notes: This is very angsty, the entire series is going to be. It originally suppose to be a one shot but i couldn't leave it where i ended it. So i continued, as of right now i'm tentatively saying there will be 4 parts but there might be more. This is in no way my first fanfiction, but i have just come off of a rather long 5 year writers block. So any and all comments/feedback is welcomed. Flames, will be ignored.
Also, i do have my occasional dyslexic moments so if you see any words that are wrong or other typos feel free to poke me with a 'hey stupid' to let me know ^_^
Summary: Jack was sure that the Rift was out to muck up his life completely.
- Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple -
Sometimes goodbyes the only way
It wasn't often that Jack blamed the Rift for things. He knew it wasn't sentient, so it therefore didn't do what it did out of malice. And yet, right at that moment. As Jack was hanging off the end of a pier in the dark night air, his hand gripping the hand of his lover with a heart stopping urgency. Jack would have sworn on his own immortality that the Rift was out to ruin his life completely.
It wasn't suppose to be a huge thing, at least that what the scans had said. A simple Rift spike, nothing more, nothing less. Most likely a couple of stray Weevils or something of the like.
Tosh had called him on his mobile earlier in the evening, informing him of the alert. The petite woman assured him that if he was busy, that they could take care of it. But Jack refused to allow his team to go into something unknown without him, and possibly end up getting hurt because he had wanted the night off.
One look to his lover who was sitting across the table from him, told that much. And Jack was relieved when Ianto just gave an understanding nod, before placing his fork down and moved to get up. Jack sighed and followed, tossing a few banknotes down on the table to cover their half eaten meal. He hated that yet another one of their dates had to be cut short because of work.
"You know one day, we will get to the end of a meal. Possibly even get to the coffee and mints bit." Jack assured Ianto as they both climbed into the back of the SUV that had come tearing up the street to meet them outside the restaurant. Owen was behind the wheel, looking less than pleased about having to pick up the two love birds.
"I'm sure we will." Ianto said simply, a slight almost there smirk gracing his lips.
It took the team about ten minutes to get to where the supposed spike was coming from. It was apparently at the end of one of the piers that was over looking the ominously dark water of the Cardiff bay.
The five members of Torchwood hopped out of the SUV and begun to make their way to the end of the old pier.
"I don't see anything." Gwen commented as she pulled her light jacket closer around her, trying to battle out the cool October winds.
"Just because you don't see anything, doesn't mean there's nothing there." Owen said snidely as he pulled out a torch, cutting through the night with the thin beam of light it emitted.
Jack had to agree with Owen on that, one couldn't always trust their own eyes in a job like theirs.
"Tosh!" Jack called to the asian woman who was behind him. "Anything?"
"It's definitely here." She said, coming up beside him. She was looking at a large black scanner with a blue screen, reading the activity off it.
"If only we know what 'it' was." Ianto muttered, taking his gun out and holding it above his other hand that was pointing a torch. The rest of the team followed suit, drawing their weapons and torches and taking tactical positions. They moved as a whole, closer to the end of the pier. The only noise was the soft beeping from Tosh's scanner indicating that they were going in the right direction. They slowly spread out, hoping to surround whatever they were about to face. Which meant that Owen, Ianto and Gwen were no longer within Jack's eye line, which unnerved him a bit. But not as much as when Tosh's scanner went suddenly and inexplicably silent.
"Tosh?" He questioned, chancing a glance at her.
"I, i don't know. It's just gone, all activity had faded. Like the spike just dropped or something." She explained in a bewildered voice, tapping the side of her gadget as if a good smack would get it beeping again.
There was a sudden creak of one of the boards on the pier which made Jack whirl around, gun pointed with a deadly aim.
"Whoa!" Ianto ducked his head, one of his hands up as he suddenly came face to face with the barrel of Jack's gun.
"Jesus!" Jack cursed, dropping his hand to his side. "Don't do that to me!" He snapped at Ianto.
"Sorry." The other man said with a shrug, as Owen came up beside Jack chuckling.
"Shut it." Jack just said, holding a hand up to silence the snarky doctor.
"What happened?" Gwen asked, coming into view a little to Ianto's right.
"We don't know, the spike just disappeared." Jack said.
"Disappeared, like dropped off the scanner?"
"Yes." Tosh nodded.
"A Rift drop instead of a spike?" The wide eyed brunette said, giving Jack a 'duh' sort of look. And at that moment it dawned on Jack, his expression now one of concern.
"Everyone! Out, now!" He ordered, causing his team to jump but begin to move away from the end of the pier none the less. Jack for a fleeting moment had almost forgotten, true things came through the Rift via spikes. But Rift drops? Well that's when things were taken, things like people. And he had lead his team right on top of one.
"The quicker we get back to the hub, the quicker we can..." His sentence was cut off when a blinding flash of light came out of no where, causing the whole team to duck down quickly.
"Jack!" Ianto called out from behind him.
"Ianto!" He heard Gwen shout, before he turned around just in time to see the young Welshman slipping off the end of the pier into what looked like a whirlpool of light in the dark water below.
In a panic Jack lunged forward, grabbing onto one of Ianto's hands. Landing on his stomach on the wet wood to the Pier, his hand gripped the other mans with a painful determination.
"Ianto! Hold on!" He shouted, blinking back the burning in his eyes from the brightness of the Rift.
"Jack!" He heard Owen yell from somewhere behind him, as he felt two pairs of hands grab onto him, stopping him from slipping into the Rift with Ianto. Now Jack was a smart man, and knew that the Rift wasn't trying to take his lover from him on purpose. But right then, as he laid on the damp wood clinging desperately to Ianto, he felt like it was out to ruin his life.
"Please!" He seemed to beg, as he felt Ianto's hand start to slip out of his own. The other's voices faded into the background as their blue eyes locked on one another. Jack's held desperation, while Ianto's the look of defeated sorrow. They both knew that the Rift would win, it would claim it's prize no matter how much either man wished and prayed it wouldn't. Jack shook his head, tears beginning to slip down his cheeks.
"No." He breathed softly, as he felt Ianto's hand slip farther out of his. Clinging to each other's fingers. "I'll find you!" Jack promised.
The younger man just smiled a sad smile, his eyes shinning with unshed tears. "Goodbye." He said simply as his hand fell from Jack's completely and he disappeared into the Rift.
"NO!" Jack screamed as he watched Ianto fade into the dwindling light until there was nothing left but the darkness of the night surrounding the pier. Jack felt himself being pulled back, until he was sitting on his knees. A strong pair of arms wrapped around his chest, as if keeping him from diving off the end. He idly realized that they belonged to Owen, who was kneeling just slightly behind him to his left. Gwen was on his right, her hands clinging to the bicep of his still out stretched arm that was reaching for a man that was no longer there.
"Jack..." Gwen said tentatively, her voice thick with tears.
"He's gone." Jack whispered, and was only mildly surprised when he felt Owen's arms around him tighten. Almost as if the other man was comforting him. They stayed like that for a long while, staring into the empty space that Ianto had been occupying not five minutes before. Jack crouched on his knees on the damp wooden pier, as silent heartbroken tears slipped down his face. Gwen crouched next to him, holding his right hand in both of hers, crying quietly. Owen's arms still around him, rocking him slightly in a soothing way. The doctor's own face held a look of disbelief as he stared wide eyed at the end of the pier, like he was expecting the young archivist to pop back up and tell them it was all a joke. Tosh stood a bit behind the three, clutching her scanner to her chest like it was her life line. She was shaking softly from shock, sobbing.
Ianto Jones was gone, and there was no way to get him back. The Rift had taken so much from all of them already, but now it had taken one of their own. And none to them knew how to deal with the reality of that.
Comments are love! Should i continue? Quit while i'm behind? Let me know ^_^
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
Part 7 -
Part 8