Nuke and the Zee's yet again!

Apr 20, 2009 16:37

Yay more Nuke! I was so worried that they'd only be on for like one day this week 'cause tv programmers are complete sadists like that lol, but i was pleasantly surprised ^^
So, i'm really liking this storyline even if it did have to be cut in with that silly teenaged angst Parker story. Cry me a fricking river emo boy! Nah, i'm just kidding, i don't mind Parker all that much. Although his hair is getting a little long, he's starting to look girl pretty lol.

Anyway! Back to Nuke. Yay! Holden is back, and kicking ass. Too bad it's the wrong ass lol, silly Holden. Normally i'm on his side like one hundred percent, mostly because he's usually right. But this time he's a little annoying in his single minded-ness toward Damian, i just wanna shake him! I enjoyed the less dramatic Luke this time around, after last weeks uber-temper tantrum i was cringing at the thought of another one so soon. That would have made him seem far too childish, and really, hasn't Luke been childish enough in the last like year or so? Lol. Gotta admit, Van's worried/scared acting is great, a real joy to watch. I hate watching actor's who can't pull off a decent hurt/worried/scared scene, it's like a pet peeve of mine. Yeah i know, that sounds mean, but i'm in the biz so i feel it's only fair that i can have an acting pet peeve lol.

I loved the interaction between the Zee's and Noah, it was great. I really enjoy the twins, even though i know some don't like them as much. Besides, Zoe's HOT! I like that they finally admitted to being a couple, i mean WE all knew they were fucking, but it was so great when Noah was like "WTF!? DUDE EW!" His face was priceless! I see many many icons of that face in the near future made by every Nuke icon maker around. But just watch, now that it's been said that the Zee's are together, it's gonna wind up that they're not really twins or something like that. Just because writers tend of chicken out about things like that at the last minute. I really hope they don't, not because i find like incest hot or anything, far from it. 'Cause as someone who has 4 siblings, lemme just saw, EEWWWWWW!!!! I just think that it works for their characters, lost little kids with no one to love them but each other. It makes sense, and makes them all the more tragic. And if there's one thing i adore, it's tragic characters.

I loved Zac seeing how far Noah was willing to take it to try and get away, lol naughty Z. He was loving every moment of it, poor Noah. I'm really excited about tomorrow's episode, i can't wait! Yay.

Oh, and a side non-Nuke note. :( Poor Craig, i really liked him and Carly together. Even though she was a big drunk lol.

random crap, reviews, rants, nuke, luke/noah, atwt, fandoms

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