Vive La Revolucion!

Sep 07, 2004 22:50

Hello everybody(which right now consists of stina-yay stina!) So I live in Hillsdale, Michigan, home of umm... Kroger? But anyway, there's not much here, so I pretty much have to order anything beyond the necessities(food, cigarettes, alcohol). This morning, I ordered some tobaccy, then proceeded to break my personal policy of never spending more than $15 on a tshirt(it's a goddamned tshirt-there's no excuse to charge more than that) and buy a kickass shirt from for $18. I figured 3 extra dollars was a justifiable cost for a shirt that entertaining. When I went to pay and whatnot, they slapped on an extra six dollars in shipping! Bastards! Tape it to a postcard and send it to me for 29 cents. But anyway, as the election grows nearer and nearer, people are getting more and more passionate about who they prefer to lead our country. What mystifies me, is how John Kerry got the nomination. Nobody likes John Kerry. Theresa Heinz probably isn't even very fond of him. I think that the libs needed a random "Not Bush" candidate. I was debating with my good friend Michelle about this. She expressed concern(read: anger) about G Dub and specifically, the war on terror's current excursion into Iraq. So I asked her how she thought Mr. Kerry would handle the issue, given the same circumstances. She said, "I don't know, I don't even think he knows." Fantastic. Herself and 40 something percent of polled voters want this man to be president.
There is a rabid hatred for Bush that defies all conventional logic. He is called a liar, when he didn't lie to the American People. Oh, and that intelligence we had from the Brits saying that Iraq had WMDs? Reliable and true. I don't understand how some people can keep crying that there weren't any WMDs in Iraq. WE FOUND A BUNKER WITH 155MM SHELLS FILLED WITH SARIN GAS!!! That is a fact. The grass is green, the sky is blue, Rosie O'Donnel is annoying, and there were weapons of mass destruction(see shells with sarin gas, above) in Iraq. (,
This is old news, folks, but I bring it up because others still bring it up. Bush lied! blah blah blah.. Bush went to war for Oil! Blah blah blah...Bush eats babies! Blah blah, well maybe. And seriously, oil drives our economy. Going to war for oil would be going to war for our national interest. But really, don't you'd think we'd drill in alaska(cost: angry hippies and horny deer-they like the warmth of the pipelines) before we'd go to war(cost: billions and billions of dollars, lives lost, and even more angry hippies) It's logic. Many people do not look beyond the surface, and many things, especially things of a political nature, can be twisted to look bad. For example, before Clinton left office, he cut the maximum allowed arsenic levels in drinking water in half-from something like 10 ppm(parts per million) to 5. The difference in arsenic would not have made a noticeable difference to anyone; but the processes, regulations and transportation of removed arsenic would have cost,in addition to millions of dollars and billions of headaches, 11 lives!!! But when Bush put the levels back up where they belonged, ho boy, the liberals had a field day with it. "Republicans want to poison your drinking water!!!" when, in all actuality, they were doing the right thing. Michael Moore and those who champion him as the next Upton Sinclair fail to see this. Michael Moore speaks in ellipses("..." to the uninitiated), which is not bad, except when you try to make factual claims with them. As you will probably find out, I use ellipses a lot. Do you know why? I do. So I can lead the reader to infer something that may or may not be true, but is probably funny. A great example of this is the classic "joke" "Hey- he has big hands. You know what they say, big hands, big feet..." and everybody knows what is implied there and what the "joke" teller is trying to make you think. He doesn't have to say "big penis" for everyone to think "big penis." Michael Moore gets himself out of a lot of libel thanks to those 3 little dots. No! Not his nipples, the ellipse. Check out MMFixer with Dave Kopel. He tells the backstory. Right now, he has the first 15 minutes of Fahrenheit 911 with corrections and there's a lot of corrections. Well, I think I've written enough for today. I understand why people do this now. It is sort of like telling people, but interjecting things like todays post into polite conversation doesn't always work. Also, I get all excited and forget my good points, as well as the resources behind them. Well, I love you both,
Oh, and P.S. I'm not a hardcore bush supporter. I want the government to let me do my best, and alternately, my worst and not make anyone else pay for it. I want to be free, socially and financially. I think that our constitution provides a great foundation for that, and as such, we should follow it. I guess that makes me a libertarian.
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