(no subject)

Feb 02, 2009 11:57

I think it warmed up last night. I know I had to turn my fan on some time after 3 or so when I woke up for a few mins.
This entry's gonna be short because I don't have much to write about yet today. I fell asleep watching someone play a videogame on youtube, but I guess it was playing everything on his playlist because when I woke up at one point, Devil's Advocate was playing! So I was dreaming about videogames, then all of a sudden, Al showed up talking about weird philosophical stuff. I remember saying something like,"Dude, you're a big time celeb, so why would you have any interest in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed?" Crazy how we tend to incorperate what's going on around us in reality when we're dreaming, isn't it? Al was nice enough though. He kept laughing randomly in the movie, so I really thought he was nuts in my dream. Especially when he was talking to this chick about pulling her hair back in said film. I woke up at one point because he started making remarks about my hair and it sort of scared me, so I rewound the video to where he's at this party and he's flirting with this guy's wife. Yeah, anyway, he kept telling me about my hair in my dream. It was creeping me out, so I think I broke a lamp over his head at some point. Guess what he did? Yeah, he laughed! So never let Devil's Advocate play on youtube while you're sleeping because you'll have goofy dreams about the devil saying random crazy jibberish.
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