Yeah Yeah Yeahs
So I noticed...Everyone has this icon:
Anyway today has been boring. Blah Blah Blah! Last night my uncle joe and michelle came over and we all went out to dinner and i saw pat! and it was great. Michelle's really into volunteer work too which is awesome, so hopefully soon we're going to go to Rosies i think to help out there, it'll b pretty great. Oh well 2 more weeks til Maine :)))) my uncle said if i go i can drive all the time wicked cool. yup...2 more weeks....
:x: name = Kelly
:x: piercing's = 5 are gone
:x: tattoos = none :(
:x: height = 5'
:x: shoe size = 5, 5 1/2
:x: hair color = dark brown into a reddish color then blondish into green
:x: siblings = 1
:x: movie you rented = about shmidt? idk i didn't watch it
:x: movie you bought = black hawk down
:x: song you listened to = forget this time-judge
:x: song that was stuck in your head = idk nothing
:x: cd you bought = i can't remember i haven't bought one in along time.
:x: cd you listened to = ten yard fight, some mix i made a long time ago
:x: person you've called = laura
:x: person that's called you = uh laura
:x: tv show you've watched = snl
:x: person you were thinking of = zane cus i'm talking to him
:x: you have a crush on someone = yea
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = Colorado <333
:x: you think about suicide = nope
:x: you believe in online dating = not so much no
:x: others find you attractive = hm idk
:x: you want more piercings = yes
:x: you drink = nope
:x: you do drugs = nope
:x: you smoke = nope
:x: you like cleaning = nope
:x: you like roller coasters = yup
:x: you write in cursive or print = both
:x: long distance relationships = depends
:x: using someone = against
:x: suicide = uh against
:x: killing people = um no comment
:x: teenage smoking = against
:x: doing drugs = against
:x: driving drunk = against.
:x: gay/lesbian relationships = for
:x: soap operas = um for and against
:x: food = Potatos
:x: song = wow i can't just choose
:x: thing to do = hang out w/ ppl
:x: thing to talk about = um nothingness
:x: sports = hockey
:x: drinks = mountain dew
:x: clothes = jeans and tshirt
:x: movies = shawshank redemption
:x: band/singer = old incubus
:x: holiday = halloween
:x: cars = chevy nova
:x: ever cried over a girl = nope
:x: ever cried over a boy= yea
:x: ever lied to someone = yup
:x: ever been in a fist fight = ........
:x: ever been arrested = nope just warned and chased
:x: shampoo do you use = herbal esasdafelkj
:x: shoes do you wear = Target shoes of course
:x: are you scared of = old age and clowns
:x: of times I have been in love? = 0
:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = once maybe
:x: of hearts I have broken? = idk
:x: of girls I have kissed? = 0
:x: of boys I have kissed? = u 10+ :(
:x: of girls I've slept with? = quite a few i believe
:x: of boys I've slept with? = uh does my brother count? then a couple
:x: of drugs taken illegally? = 0
:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = maybe 2
:x: of people I consider my enemies? = as of now 0
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? a few
:x: of scars on my body? = a mom says i have little kids legs w/ all my scars and buises :(
:x: of things in my past that I regret? = alot i regret but wouldn't change
:x: disney movie - the little mermaid
:x: nickname - kel, kiki, kelsar, sargeant
:x: guy name - edgar or mort
:x: girl name - magdelena
:x: eye color- mixed
:x: flower - um idk
:x: piercing - hm i like lip rings yum
:x: actor - tim robbins sure
:x: actress - sandra bullock
:x: pretty - eh not so much
:x: funny -nah
:x: hot - nope
:x: friendly - I can b
:x: amusing - i amuse myself alot
:x: ugly - eh
:x: loveable - maybe
:x: caring - i do care
:x: sweet - at times
:x: dorky - of course
First bike: it was pink and it had a basket and this things coming off the handles it was so hot :)
First best friend(s):Brianna McCarthy and Brian Hasenfus haha
First real memory of something: sitting on the floor while my grandmother(dad's) and my mom ate red cashews at my 1st bday
First car: o it'll b an awesome big jeep or truck thing
First date:Don took me to c Ants and then him leaving after the movie to go to the bathroom for like an hour while i sat with his sister and twin brother :-/
First kiss: well either brian (from above) when i went to his house and we were playing jacks and he kissed me we were like 7 or w/ drew on halloween behind a bush and we missed haha
First break-up: uh don i guess but first pretty big break up was when i broke up w/ drew and that one hurt the most i guess
First job: babysitting or jordans
First screen name: kellybean73 haha it was cus my mom used to call me jellybeans when i was little cus i was hyper?
First self purchased album: um nsync wait my mom got me that uh incubus-make urself? i can't remember something from that time
First funeral: i went to my aunt's boyfriend's father's wake but i think the first funeral was my grandfathers
First pet: henrietta
First piercing/tattoo: in 3rd grade i got my ears pierced
First independent home: not yet :(
First house/flat/apartment: in new jersey
First credit card: 000
First love: idk.
First enemy: Karina Ibanez, we were best friends every other day and when we weren't it was rough she used to get me in trouble for "making her cry" blah
First big trip: haha in 2nd grade to florida and we got caught in a hurricane and they told us we were gonna crash it was a mess
First play/musical/performance: uh first play: Mrs. Clause in 1st grade, !st Musical: Hello Dolly, i was a dancing waiter, 1st performance: 4th grade playing the violin
First musician you remember hearing in your house: cher?
last good cry: oh wow maybe last summer?
last library book checked out: uh Warrior angels? or fallen angels or something like that
last movie seen: The Hulk
last book read: uh Conversations with god
last cuss word uttered: aw shucks
last beverage drank: coke
food consumed: doritos
last crush: tom
last kiss: hm friday night?
last phone call: whoever's calling i love conversations with my mom
last tv show watched: MADE
last time showered: 20 minutes ago at about 1230
last shoes worn: target!
last cd played: ten yard fight
last item bought: hm gum?
last downloaded: judge-no apologies
last annoyance: hmm not sleeping
last disappointment: um idk not sleeping again.. or not hanging w/ zane
last soda drank: coke
last word written: cranford
last key used: the down arrow
last word spoken: bye
last sleep: uh last nightish
last im: um brigette
last weird encounter: um talking to kelsey
last ice cream eaten: cowabunga crunch? haha
last time amused: last night w/ my uncle joe and michelle at dinner
last time wanting to die: eh not n e time that i can remember
last time in love: ah idk
last time hugged: last night by my uncle joe, michelle, my mom and joe
last chair sat in: this one
last lipstick used: blistex? ha
last shirt worn: my ymca staff one so old...
last time dancing: umm monday night/early tuesday morning w/ laura haha
last webpage visited:
Yeah so as if that weren't amusing enough.
First Name?: Kelly
Nicknames?: Kel, kiki, kelsar
Birthdate?: sept. 30
So you're how old?: 15 almost 16 :)))
Hair Color?: brown, reddish, blonde, and green
Eye Color?: brown
Height?: 5'
Siblings?: 1, phi
Shoe size?: 5, 5 1/2
Fave Food?: potatos
Fave Fruit?: pinapples
Soda?: mountain dew
Sport?: hockey?
Hobbies?:music, drums, hanging w/ friends, walking
Store?: idk cvs
CD?: um idk
TV Show?: Friends
Song?: all sorts
Music?: incubus and all sorts of bands
Restaurant?: hmm idk
Holiday?: halloweenn is pretty hot
Ice cream?: anything as long as it doesn't have coconut
Sport to watch?: hockey and basketball
~*~ThE cRuSh SiDe!!!~*~
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? yes/no/yes/used to
If so, what's his/her name?: tom/na/dave/her
When you first meet someone what do you notice?: their face, height, then personality
Have you ever been in love?: uh no
Have you ever loved someone so much it made you cry?: um yeah
Do you like someone now? yeah
If yes, what's the name of this person?: tom
Why do you like them?: because he's awesome.
~*~HaVe YoU eVeR!!!~*~
Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: yea
Ever been on stage?: yea
Ever dumped someone?: yea
Ever been dumped?: um sorta well it was kinda mutual we told other people first then each other it was stupid
Gotten in a car accident?: haha yea
Stayed home on a Saturday night just because?: yup
Tried Sushi? nope
Drank alcohol?: nope
Gone skinny dipping?: nope
Lied?: yup
Had a medical emergency?: nope
Been out of the country?: nope
Coke or Pepsi?: coke
Pools or Hot-tubs?: hot tub
Ocean or pool? : uh pool and ocean
TV or Radio?: hm radio well tv uh idk
Guys or girls?: guys. but some girls are awesome too
Christmas or Halloween?: um oh dear halloween, but xmas is great too
Phone or AOL?: aim
Pen or Pencil?: pen
Mall or Movies?: movies
Abercrombie or American Eagle?: blecak
Marker or Crayon?: crayons i love when my mom buys me brand new crayons
Coffee or Cocoa?: cocoa
Hot or cold?: cold
New or old?: new, old is comfortable though
Sweater or sweatshirt?: ha sweatshirt, have u ever met me?
Chocolate milk or plain?: chocolate
Motor boat or sail boat?: motor
Summer or winter?: winter
~*~WhO do u..~*~(offline)
Go to, to talk about guys/girls?: laura, heahter
Knows the most about you?: besides family, laura drew and scott used to
Whose parents are the best?: hmm idk i love my mom
Makes you laugh the most?: oh wow idk all my friends are pretty funny that's why they're my friends, how bout matt sars , haha or matt colburn he could just stand there and i burst out laughing....Pete Zahut....laughed for days straight after that one thanks matt
Has the best personality? they're all pretty chill
Who do you have the best time with?: couldn't decide
~*~In ThE pAsT 48 hOuRs HaVe YoU!!...~*~
Cried?: nope
Made someone laugh?: yeap
Helped someone?: um maybe
Bought something?: nope
Cut your hair?: nope
Worn a tie?: yes
Been kissed? nope
Said I love you?: yep
Written on paper?: no
Taken a test?: yeah lots
Written in a journal?: this one
Watched your favorite movie?: no :(
Talked to someone you love?: ya
Given someone a present?: nope
Had a serious talk?: um not really but sorta
Missed someone?: yeah
Hugged someone?: yea
Fought with a friend?: nope just made things better
Taken a shower?: yes
~*~Do YoU...~*~
Eat peanuts?: mike b gave me and jess peanuts on the last week of school and that was the last time i've had them so yes
Have a goldfish?: aww i wish i was that big black goldfish from mangos <3333333
Remember where you were when O.J. Simpson was let free?: i was in my living room in dedham and i walked in and my grandmother was there and we sat together and watched it haha
Remember where you were when Princess Diana was killed?: yup standing in my mom's room in North attleboro
Walk in the rain?: all the time
Have that falling dream?: yup last night
Dream in black and white?: certain areas of my dreams are kinda weird like if i were in a room a couch and a chair might b black and white but that's it
Have your own phone line?: celll phone count?
Have your own room?: yea
Like broccoli?: i'll eat it
Believe in love at first sight?: um not real love only infauation?
Believe in God?: yes i do
Believe in the devil?: hm
Believe in ghosts?: yes especially after laura's house and all the stories i've heard
Believe in heaven?: yea
Believe in hell?: maybe undecided
Believe in yourself?: yes
~*~JuSt SoMe QuEsTiOnS!!~*~
What is one thing in the world that would make you happy forever what would it be?: seeing the people i care about most happy
1.First Name: Kelly
2.Middle Name: Ann
3.Last Name: Sarge
4.Nicknames: kel, kiki, kelsar
5.Birthday: sept 30
6.How old would that make you? 15
7.Star Sign: libra
More Intimate (Just some more basic questions?only in detail)
8.Righty or Lefty? Righty
9.Hair Color: brown, reddish, blonde, green
10.Preferred Hair Color: brown
11.Eye Color: brown
12.Preferred Eye Color: mixed
13.What would you be wearing right now? black shorts and my johnny shirt
14.What jewelry are you wearing, if any? bracelets
This or That (Everybody just LOVES this section?don?t you?)
15.Coke or Pepsi: Coke
16.Cake or Pie: Cake
17.Popcorn or Chips: popcorn
18.Theatre or Home: Home
19.Pants or Shorts: Pants
20.Phone or AIM/AOL: AIM
21.Sneakers or Boots: Sneakers
22.Pudding or Jell-O: jello
23.Winter or Summer: winter
24.Ski or Board: board
25.Chocolate Milk or White Milk: chocolate
6.Silver or Gold: silver
27.Cows or Pigs: cows
Favorites (Is this your favorite section? It?s mine.)
28.Color: navy blue
29.Number: 73
30.Time of the day: nighttime
31.Day of the week: i like when i can't even tell what day it is n e more
32.Month of the year: hm september and this year it will be march/april
33.Scent: hm a yummy smell
34.Taste: sugar
35.Flavor of pudding: chocolate?
36.Flavor of Jell-O: lime
37.Flavor of Ice Cream: n e thing w/out coconut
38.Kind of Cake: chocolate
39.Kind of Pie: lemon
40.Beverage: mountain dew
41.T-Shirt: hm i love drew's old korn shirt because it's wicked worn in
Relationships (Friends...and more)
42.Do you have friends? yes
43.I would sure hope so. How many? a decent amount
44.Who's the one you secretly hate? haha
45.Who's the one you would die without? my mom?
46.Who's gonne be pissed you sent them this? no one
47.Who won't give a rats bum? everyone
48.Have a crush? Who? yes, tom
49.Have you ever had a bf/gf before? yes
50.Were they good in bed? Only kidding. Were they good bf/gf material? some yes and others weren't
51.How many gf/bf's have you had? uh somewhere around 10?
52.Who was the best one? idk
53.Do you have a bf/gf now? yea
54.Tell me their name: tom
55.What is your current view on the relationship? it's pretty awesome
56.What needs work? hm idk
57.What's perfect? without flaws there is no perfect
Guys Section (Fill it out. It isn't limited to just guys)
59.Tall or Short? i like tall guys
60.Brunette or Blonde? um no preference
61.Long or short hair? uh depends on how it's worn
62.Make-up? for a guy? maybe
63.Short or long nails? short
64.Jewelry or no? jewlery is good on a guy, depends on the type
65.Tan or fair? either
66.Freckles? doesn't matter
67.Inside chick or outdoor chick? hah both
68.Shy or outgoing? outgoing
69. Ok guys, you think this number is funny. Don't you? well i'm not a guy and not really
70.Innocent girl or Naughty girl? .........
71.Do you like taking lead in the relationship? it's gotta b kinda equal
72.Do you prefer to make the first move at all times? no
Girls Section (Fill it out. Not limited just to girls.)
73.Boxer or Briefs? hah either
74.Short or long hair? depends on how it's worn i guess
75.Tall or short? Taller than me
76.Muscles or Regular guy? hm i like both
77.Naughty or Nice guy? Nice
78.Do you want a Romantic Guy? yea that's nice
79.Are hats ok? yes indeed
80.Piercings? oh yes
81.Do you like Dimples? sure
82.How about Freckles? no problem w/ them
83.Cutie or macho man? a little bit of both>?
84.Dark or Light eyes? either
85.Tan or Fair? either
86.Jewelry or none? jewlery's cool
87.Indoor guy or outdoor guy? uh both
88.Shy or outgoing? outgoing
89.Do you like to take lead in the relationship? hasta b kinda equal
90.Do you like to make the first move? not really
The Random Section (Just trying to add more questions)
91.What's the stupidest thing you have ever done? just one thing? i do not know
92.What's the most embarassing thing you have ever done? oh dear uh my Steam Heat performance was pretty embarrasi =ng
93.What's the nicest thing you have ever done? hm volunteer work <333
94.How do you get to school? amanda drives me
95.What do you eat for breakfast? nothing
96.What do you sleep in? a bed
97.What color are your bedroom walls? white w/pictures and stuff
98.How about your sheets? navy blue
99.How many people have been with you inbetween those sheets? me and whoever stays over
100.Wasn't this a fun survey? it took up time ,/lj-cut>