Oct 01, 2011 19:36
4 quarters and done. I have 1 quarter left and officially a licensed massage therapist...
Who I want to work with is the million dollar question.
Do I want to work with athletes? A spa? Do I want to do clinical injuries? Work with special population such as cancer patients, hospis care, victums of abuse, autistic children, pregnancy? I think it is where I can land a job, still feels like I'm grasping at straws. I think if I can land a job I'll then specialize...
Dan got out yesterday at like 1 in the morning. His girl and I went and picked him up. He says the same thing, things will change and he has all these plans such as apprenticeship for electricians union and so on. Sounds nice on paper lets c if he goes through with it.
Its not that I don't have confidence in him, cuz I do, but its gonna be a hell of a road uphill. Truth is no one believes in him but his girl and I...
He's suppose to go to church with me and my brother tomorrow.
The rubble shifts and he arises like a phoenix from the ashes.
The road to the great unknown feels like a thousand light years away.
I the shadow am welded to his very essence, and await our destination.
I urge him to burn the remminence of a shattered past.
Trudge carefully past the path of faltered steps that you know so well.
Guard carefully against the creatures of the night that lurk at every turn.
The demons with their melodic promises and promising eyes that beg for your attension.
The corpses of your past begging for you to give them life.
Do not wonder the land of Succubisses for their temptation shall be your downfall.
Do not lie under the blanket of familiarity for it has been known to sufficate its victums.
Choose your companions well for they shall be your strength in your time of distress.
Keep those who believe in a better tomorrow for they will be your refuge through the storm.
Well gonna go for now, done writing. I'll finish the poem sometime later.
Was suppose to c ember and octo and the little one today but was up late and so decided to try monday. Ya, Ember hates me... So does the little one... *Sad face*. I feel like such a evil god father... I need to do better.
Well Peace to all Rich.