I've found a good site about psychosis:
http://www.helene-beitler.de/bilderpsychose.html I feel very inspired. I also need to find a way to express the schizophrenia, the fears, the delusions, the anger that sometimes overcomes me. But I only have poetry as a ressource. I can't paint, not even draw. And I'm not good enough with the bass guitar either.
Ok, here's a first try:
schizophrenia, the giant steps down the hill
finding his head at the foot and starts crying
schizophrenia, all that I am is an anthill,
the queen is called nothing and lifeless
schizophrenia, drinking from imagery but
it's no sustenance, so I must eat from the stones, too
schizophrenia, unwanted thoughts, unknown, an
evil fright and getting fatter (or thinner) by the day
schizophrenia, no respect, fright and hatred like
a soup that I serve everyone, in quietness and friendship
schizophrenia, totally unknown everything, hiding in
everyday life, oh my poor family, I have drowned them all
schizophrenia, so I go daily into the grey abyss,
not knowing, if, when, how .. will I see the sky again