courtly love is over.

Sep 06, 2007 11:28

Courtly love is over people.

Love was not even in question with marriage.
It was all status.

If there was love, it was in secret, it was illicit, and ended up in adultery. The unattainable was where love was found. The Knight being tempted by the Lady... she swoons after a forbidden feeling. She gives him a secret token to show her affections...and they lived in secrecy. It's been said that love was found outside of marriage.

Strange, hmm?

This is all bogus to me, and in a sense I'm thankful I live in the age I do.
I find that not tooooo much has change.
People are still marrying for status! Whether, it's for money, fame, religion, fortune, or to gain something in the end.
If you're one that can marry for comfort… protection…Good for you.

But for the love of god, Allah, or whatever...please do not have children.

The worst thing you could do is bring a child into a loveless marriage.
Because most of the time(excluding the rare marriages where both have an agreement to love their children, even if they don't love each other) the child is neglected, pulled through a divorce, and in conclusion.....fucked up, with a skewed vision of what love is.
Then! Then, then, then...
The offspring repeats this damn vicious cycle.
and we just aren't getting anywhere...
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