my updates are gay as heck but you can deal with it
friday miek and brandon picked me and max up,
we just like drove around and followed like a bus or something?? haha
uhhhh we went to coney i wasnt hungry though so i didnt eat, and yah i enedded up paying for like half of the thing but whatevehveerr
then after i dunno we drove around tryign to find a place to pierce my bellybutton,
we found one it was really clean actually but the dude was scary and like hick-ish.
so it looks hot overall,
i havent told my parents yet,. so i dont know the outcome of this one will turn out
and i really need to chill out wiht the coming home at 5 oclcok in the morning my parents are getting really worried but at the time, i just dont really give a fuck but yeah.
after i got my bellybutton pierced i started feeling sick at mikes house when we were eating his birthday cake i felt liek i was gonna puke., so brandon took me home.
i started getting liek red bumpy things all over my face and shit i had some kinda allergic reaction it was definatley not cool...
they went away saturday morning i didnt get much sleep though.
uhhh my family was down from upnorth the babies were kinda loud. it was annoying but i delt with it,,
corrie my love<33 came over and i did her hair and makeup for a barmitzvah.
i went babysitting,came home fell directly asleep.
sorry max and brandon♥i always seem to fall asleep when were supposed to hang out;,dsJLAf
yesterday- i hung around at around 3 my mom took em and amanda to somerset we walked like 9,000 times back adn forth to both sides and we cudnt find amanda a dress and didnt even go in any toher stores, oh yeah amanda got braces thats hot.mhmmm
she came over after-we just chilled i guess.got dairy queeen
after she left brandon picked me up we went to his house,
me max dj yeah all them,mm
we just hung out.i fell asleep on brandons couch until like 5 am my mom is so pissed
well anwyays its a nice day out/thats cool
this was gay bye
oh heres a picture of my bellybutton ring,
ill get a cooler one later,.butyeah/ rich text isnt working so click the link.