DragonCon Info (I did the maths for people...)

Jan 20, 2009 23:20

Ok, guys. I know we were talking potential DragonCon, so I wanted to make sure that we understood what we were getting into.

SO....I looked into the Hotels situation. THEN I calculated all the costs (including sales tax for the hotel @ 8%) for Five of us to go. I also did the possibility if 6 of us went. Katie, I know you said you probably wouldn't go, that's why I'm basing it on five people mostly.

It did turn out more than I expected, but some of these costs had to be vague (Gas, for example, is COMPLETELY in the air. I really just had to guess...as well as food: we can make food options cheaper if we need to.).

This is also presuming that we leave the day before (Thurs, Sept. 3) and returning the day after (Tues, Sept. 8).

I'm putting this in a LJ cut cause I have it saved as a 1 page Word file...so it's kinda detailed. Let me know what your impressions are (both good and bad). We have NOT scheduled the hotel yet because we need to choose which one we would prefer (there's an explanation of the hotel situation in the cut.)

SO, without further ado...

DragonCon Info:

Leaving Thurs, Sept. 3 and Leaving hotel on Tues, Sept 8:

*Note: DragonCon is ~530 miles away, compared to Akon’s 441 miles.

Need Hotel for 5 Nights! (Thurs-Mon Nights) Rates are as follows:

-Available Hotels are only the Hilton Atlanta and the Sheraton Atlanta:
-Hilton Atlanta Rates (Code = DCR):
-Single/Double: 175.00/night
-Triple: 195.00/night
-Quad: 215.00/night
-Sheraton Rates (No code - Mention Dragoncon):
-Single/Double: 152.00/night
-All others N/A

Totals (for 5 Nights, plus Atlanta Tax [@ 8%] (divisions are made based upon FIVE people)
-Hilton: 945.00, 189/person (exactly)
-Sheraton: 820.80, 164.16/person(exactly)

**Note: It should be mentioned here that neither hotel is directly holding the Con. Instead, the Hilton has a connected walkway (climate-controlled, like the Mall @ A-kon). The Sheraton has no mentioning of this. The Sheraton is 2 blocks away (one east, and one south), thereby being farther and would probably involve a walk along the street to enter the con or we could use the bus system (which passes once/30 mins @ 1.75 each). This is my presumption for the Higher Price of the Hilton.

Con Rates:

-Until 2/13: 70.00/Person
-Until 5/15: 80.00/Person
-Until 7/15: 90.00/Person

Other Considerations:
-Food for 6 days: ~110.00/person
-Gas (Depends on car/mileage, but about 3 tanks @ 20 gal/each if we take the Van = 60 Gallons). Gas @ 2.00=120 dollars/5 = 24 dollars/person.
-Parking: 24/day (for 5 days [if they let us not count Tuesday]) = 120.00/5=24.00/person

SO: Final Total per person...(using Hilton Hotel and 2/13 rate):
-Hotel: 189.00
-Gas: 24.00
-Parking: 24.00
-Con Rate: 70.00
-Food: 110.00
-Spending money (obviously extra): Whatever you want...=)

Total = 417.00 for 5 people, 377.50 for 6, not adding extra costs/spending money.

So there's an idea of what's going on with that. Long, detailed, but hopefully informative enough to where we can make a decision. Chances are these hotels won't stay for long, so lemme know what you guys wanna do about this!

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